P-0091 Regarding Electronic Device Recycling-Reuse at Solid Waste Convenience Centers 06-27-2006-5x
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P-0091 Regarding Electronic Device Recycling-Reuse at Solid Waste Convenience Centers 06-27-2006-5x
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8/31/2010 2:08:54 PM
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8/31/2010 12:58:52 PM
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POLICY FOR INSERTION INTO THE POLICY MANUAL <br />MEETING DATE: 06-27-2006 NUMBER: 091 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: 07-01-2006 REVISIONS: <br />POLICY: Policy Regarding Electronic Device Recycling/Reuse at <br />Solid Waste Convenience Centers <br />For purposes of this policy, electronic devices will include computers and <br />computer accessories, printers, televisions, computer monitors, cell phones, <br />audio/video devices, fax machines, etc. An electronic device does not include <br />household appliances. <br />Electronic Devices that are delivered to a Convenience Center shall be handled <br />in one of the following manners: <br />Salvage Shed <br />Citizens will be allowed to place electronic devices into a salvage shed for <br />potential reuse by others. <br />• Citizens will be able to place intact electronic devices into a salvage shed. <br />• If a citizen indicates to the convenience center site attendant that their <br />electronic device (not limited only to computers) is operable, the attendant will <br />recommend placement of the device in the salvage shed. <br />• Devices will remain in salvage sheds a minimum of 3 days or until the salvage <br />shed becomes full, at which time the attendant will relocate them to the <br />recycling trailer. <br />• The existing 15-minute twice-daily limit for depositing or removing materials <br />from the salvage shed will also apply to electronic devices. <br />• Each .citizen that delivers a computer (CPU) for salvage will be responsible for <br />any personal information remaining on the unit -site attendants have no <br />responsibility to caution or otherwise inform citizens of their potential data <br />security risk. <br />Recycling Trailer <br />• Citizens are to place all electronic devices delivered for discard (as opposed <br />to reuse) into the recycling trailer. <br />• Once devices are placed into the trailer for recycling, they may not be <br />removed or disassembled for pars. <br />No electronic device delivered to a convenience center will be landfilled. The site <br />Attendant/recycling staff will make final decisions regarding what is considered <br />acceptable for placement into the electronics-recycling receptacle or salvage <br />shed. <br />
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