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#30 $ 19,385 Taylor Home Improvements <br />RR #1 $ 4,103 Morrow Construction Co. <br />ti <br />-~..~ . Y <br />4. COMPUTER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT <br />To approve the purchase of computer software from Creative Computer Solutions <br />for a cost of $16,380 for use in the County's Section 8 Housing Assistance Program, to <br />authorize the expenditure of $16,380 from the Section 8 Operating Reserve Account foz <br />this software and to authoxize the Chair to execute the Software License Agreement <br />with CCS contingent upon review by appropriate county staff and the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DEC SIGN = REGULAR AGENDA <br />....,.z <br />Y <br />~ ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS ~ INTERIM WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS <br />Proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations which <br />would provide procedures for the establishment of general and specific interim <br />development standards in the University Lake Watershed were presented to the Board far <br />consideration of approval. Background information is in the agenda abstract which is <br />in the permanent agenda file_in_the Clerk's Office. <br />Planner Mary Seeaxbo indicated that projects subject to these standards would <br />include all subdivisions with the exception of any final plats far minor subdivisians <br />which had previously been approved by the Planning Department prior to adoption of the <br />Oxdinance and exempted would be any major subdivisions which had already received <br />preliminary plan approval from the Board of Commissioners. Special use Permits, <br />zoning changes and site plans would also be subject to the regulations. <br />In terms of the specific standaxds as proposed, there would be no community <br />wastewatex systems permitted in the watershed; thexe would be na systems where <br />disposal could occur on a separate lot other than the lot generating the waste and <br />this includes a pxohibition on septic easements even fox individual single family use <br />and would also pxohibit community alternative systems ox any community system of any <br />type. These standards will be in effect for six months from the date of adoption or <br />until adoption of permanent standards whichevex is first. The Planning Board <br />recommends approval with two changes: <br />(1) clarify that a public hearing will be required prior to adoption of any <br />standards which may be adopted in the future and, <br />(2) that a public hearing would be xequired if there were to be an extension <br />of the time limit of six months. <br />Discussion ensued on the six month time frame and the possibility of having <br />the public hearing on these interim standards in February. <br />The Commissioners expressed the urgency of moving ahead with adoption of <br />permanent standaxds in all of the watersheds. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willho~it, seconded by Commissioner Marshall to <br />implement the interim standards in University Lake watershed as recommended with the <br />exception that a public hearing be held at the quarterly public hearing in February on <br />either the permanent standards ox a request to extend the interim standaxds until the <br />permanent standards can ga to public hearing and be acted on by the Planning Board. <br />Discussion ensued on the importance of making the interim standards permanent <br />and not continually extending the process. <br />COMMISSIONER WILLHOIT WITHDREW HIS MOTION. <br />Commissioner Willhoit. asked that a standaxd be formulated for interim <br />restrictions for Gane Creek within the next six months. <br />Commissioner Marshall asked that the Manager take into consideration all <br />