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_ ___ .. ~ ~ <br />be considered also as they may very well need a new school in the future. <br />Lunsford mentioned that the district lines for Chapel'-X11/Carrboro extend far <br />beyond the city limits. The process of locating the site and building the school had = - <br />been deliberate and they believe t},ey have chosen a good site. The landowners agreed to <br />sell this land. Not condemning land was a high priority of the site selection <br />committee. A good relations}-ip has been est~.blished with the community. In fact, the - <br />name of the school will be New }}ope. <br />Orange County Board of Education Chair Kay Singer stated that t},e Board of <br />Education made every effort to keep staff ar,d the Board of Commissioners informed during <br />the site selection process, as well as soliciting t},eir input into the process. The <br />demographics indicated that this was the best site for the school. Grady Brown was <br />built to hold 650 students and at t}ae present time },olds $$1. There is a critical need <br />for this school. Unfortunately, the problem of water and sewer has t},e project behind <br />sc},edule. Municipal water and sewer is important in order to avoid a repeat of the <br />situation at Efland Cheeks. Also, the issue of fire protection is best handled by <br />municipal water and sewer. She also mentioned that an on-site facility would eliminate <br />a portion oT the property for other necessary uses by the school. The design far the <br />school will fit in beautifully~wi~.h the area. Also, in response to a previous question <br />regarding tt,e schools locat-ior- s},e indicated that this was not t},e first choice of sites <br />but the first choice was owned by Duke and they declined to sell t-he land. The Orange <br />County Board of Education feels that by far the best solution at this sc}~ool is for <br />municipal water and sewer lines to be run. The risks to the health and safety of the <br />students and employees needs to be considered when this decision is made. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis indicated that fire is a real threat at all schools. He <br />requested information concerning the number of fire hydrants and Lunsford indicated that <br />there were four. He questioned whether 12" lines to four hydrants were sufficient to <br />;,~. <br />protect the school. --~~ <br />County Engineer Paul Thames indicated that a 12" line would furnish a flow in <br />excess of the minimum requirement which is 1000 gallons per minute. This line would <br />probably furnish a minimum ,1075 gallons per minute at a higher Residual Pressure. He <br />pointed out that when calculating requirements for fire fighting an assumption is made <br />that only a portion of the building will be burning at any one location. That would <br />require only one or two of the hydrants to be used. It would not be possible to get <br />1000 gallons per minute from each hydrant if all four hydrants were used at the same <br />time. <br />In answer to a question from Mayor Kinnaird about tap-ons, County Manager John Link <br />stated that his understanding is that Hillsborough will abide with Orange County's <br />zoning requirement of one tap-on per one acre lot with na tap-ons in the Rural Buffer. <br />Lunsford stated that this agreement was reached during an official Town Board <br />meeting. Full consensus was given on this. The Rural Suffer would be only a <br />push-through to the site. There is a water line almost to the Rural Buffer which <br />services residents at this time. <br />Carmen Prioli of the Staneycreek Neighborhood Association read a prepared statement <br />in support of .this Amendment. A copy of this statement is incorporated herein by <br />reference and may be found on page of these minutes. The original is in the <br />permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />Janis Burklin read a written statement in support of this Amendment. A copy of <br />this statement is incorporated herein by reference and may be found on page of <br />