Orange County NC Website
10 <br />QUESTIONS: <br />Ask the HRC Member who gave you this document ~ contact the Department of Human Rights & Relations @ 960-38'~S. <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUE EXAMPLES <br />ELIMINATION OF OPPRESSION <br />/ wage fairness/equality (regardless of gender, race, / free, 24-hour public transportation <br />physical disability, religion, sexual orientation, / affordable housing <br />nationality, etc.) / comprehensive job training <br />/ eliminate physical bamers to public buildings to / eliminate barriers to adoption due to sexual <br />increase access by physically challenged residents orientation of potential parents <br />/ ensure equal access to education, healthcare, / mamage equality for all <br />employment opportunities, contracting (regardless / eliminate profiling on the basis of age, ethnicity, <br />of gender, race, physical disability, religion, sexual race <br />orientation, nationality, religion, etc.) / countywide internship/apprenticeship programs <br />/ condemn any laws/policies that promote / condemn any laws/policies that infringe and/or <br />discriminato ractices lessen residents' civil ri hts/liberties <br />CIVIC PART ICIPATION <br />/ fair and equitable representation of all residents / maintain paper trail of votes cast <br />/ equal access to the voting process / time and place for residents, particularly <br />/ create a process that allows residents to petition communities of color, disabled, lower income, <br />and/or vote to have their property included/excluded etc., to discuss concerns with elected officials <br />as art of a ci or town <br />ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE <br />/ promote the use of organic and local agriculture / promote recycling programs <br />/ promote building practices that limit negative / promote solid waste and toxic waste <br />impact on natural resources, are energy efficient and management programs <br />balance needs of people with protecting the / promote air and water quality programs <br />environment / place new development in targeted areas <br />/ reserve & conserve o ens ace/ arks ace / rotect wildlife reserves <br />PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY SAFE COMMUNITIES <br />/ community police/neighborhood watch programs / eliminate gang activity <br />/ strengthen and enforce hate crime laws / promote drug/rehabilitation programs <br />/ eliminate the practice of locating potentially / include/increase violence prevention programs in <br />harmful industries, landfills, etc. in or in close the curriculum at school <br />proximity to minority communities / create safe havens (shelters) for individuals in <br />/ strengthen minimal housing standards like requiring abusive (sexuaUphysical) relationships <br />indoor lumbin and air conditionin <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUE EXAMPLES <br />ECONOMIC SELF SUFFICIENCY <br />/ equal access to education, healthcare, employment / comprehensive job training <br />opportunities, (regardless of gender, race, physical / free public transportation <br />disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, / childcare, healthcare, and utility subsidies <br />religion, etc.) / ensure adequate wages to afford shelter, food, <br />/ provide affordable healthcare and preventative healthcare <br />healthcare programs / affordable housing <br />/ laws protecting immigrant residents from labor / wage equality/fairness <br />ex loitation / overnment economic safe net <br />OTHER <br />/ / <br />QR.4]VCiE COUNTY SOCIAL JUSTICE GOAL Appendix B <br />