Orange County NC Website
earlier than the first day of the second succeeding calendar month after the date of the <br />adoption of the resolution. The County must give the Secretary at least 90 days advance <br />notice of a new tax levy or rate change." <br />If the voters of Orange County approve the Special Advisory Referendum on November 2, 2010 <br />and the Board approves a resolution to levy the tax before December 31, 2010, the new One- <br />Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County Sales and Use Tax could begin on April 1, 2011. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial i <br />regarding on potential uses for funds from a <br />and Use Tax. Approval and implementation <br />resulting funds would have financial impacts. <br />If a majority of voters approve the sales tax and <br />sales tax on April 1, 2011, the Article 46 sales <br />$2,300,000 annually for the County. The sales <br />during the remainder/last quarter of FY 2010-11. <br />mpact associated with considering the resolution <br />One-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County additional Sales <br />of the sales tax and receipt and allocation of <br />the Board of Commissioners implements the <br />and use tax would generate approximately <br />tax would generate approximately $575,000 <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board adopt and authorize the Chair <br />to sign the accompanying resolution, or modified version thereof, to document the Board's <br />intended uses of the revenues from a prospective One-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County additional <br />Sales and Use Tax. <br />