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16 <br />9. Archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected and preserved in place. If such <br />resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be undertaken. <br />10. Designs that were never executed historically shall not be constructed. <br />RESTORATION AS A TREATMENT <br />When the property's design, azchitectural, or historical significance during a particulaz period of <br />time outweighs the potential loss of extant materials, features, spaces, and finishes that chazacterize other <br />historical periods; when there is substantial physical and documentary evidence for the work; .and when <br />contemporary alterations and additions aze not planned, Restoration may be considered as a treatment. <br />Prior to undertaking work, a particulaz period of time, i.e., the restoration period, should be selected and <br />justified, and a documentation plan for Restoration developed. <br />RECONSTRUCTION is defined as the act or process of depicting, by means of new construction, the <br />form, features, and detailing of anon-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or object for the <br />purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location. <br />STANDARDS FOR RECONSTRUCTION <br />1. Reconstruction shall be used to depict vanished or non-surviving portions of a property when <br />documentary and physical evidence is available to permit accurate reconstruction with minimal conjecture, <br />and such reconstruction is essential to the public understanding of the property. <br />2. Reconstruction of a landscape, building, structure, or object in its historic location shall be preceded by <br />a thorough azcheological investigation to identify and evaluate those features and artifacts which are <br />essential to an accurate reconstruction. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be <br />undertaken. <br />3. Reconstruction shall include measures to preserve any remaining historic materials, features, and spatial <br />relationships. <br />4. Reconstruction shall be based on the accurate duplication of historic features and elements substantiated <br />by documentary or physical evidence rather than on conjectural designs or the availability of different <br />features from other historic properties. A reconstructed property shall re-create the appeazance of a non- <br />surviving historic property in materials, design, color, and texture. <br />5. A reconstruction shall be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation. <br />6. Designs that were never executed historically shall not be constructed. <br />RECONSTRUCTION AS A TREATMENT <br />When a contemporary depiction is required to understand and interpret a property's historic value <br />(including the re-creation of missing components in a historic district or site); when no other property with <br />the same associative value has survived; and when sufficient historical documentation exists to ensure an <br />accurate reproduction, Reconstruction may be considered as a treatment. Prior to undertaking work, a <br />documentation plan for Reconstruction should be developed. <br />13 <br />