Minutes - 19890905
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890905
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~s <br />..~ ~ : ~. <br />consultants. He feels that ~WASA should treat the water to North <br />3ards for the Clean Water Act and put the added cost to the consumer and <br />people in the watershed pay for OWASA probleius-._i He talked about the <br />pollutants travel. He asked the people in opposition to this proposal to <br />they did. <br />ICHOLS who owns land in the Upper Eno watershed spoke in opposition to <br />nterim development standards in the watershed. He described the <br />e uses and stated that they do not affect the quality of his drinking <br />against being asked to abide by a two acre minimum lot size to help <br />f the cost of protecting the water in this area. He feels that .the main <br />e runoff water. He talked about impervious surface and stated that he <br />t of subdivisions do not need paved roads. He talked about the use value <br />property and the money he borrows using that value as collateral. <br />DURHAM, owner of land on Dairyland Raad, spoke about his cluster <br />nd the length of time it took to get it approved. He asked where he <br />dilemma. <br />SHEPARD, architect of the W. T. Durham Subdivision, asked if this project <br />ect to these new interim regulations. He expressed three concerns: (1) <br />as a ten acre tract that is divided by an existing roadway with eight <br />side and two on the other, will the Planning Staff require a landhook to <br />wa tracts, (2) he hopes they retain the same cluster concept that is now <br />(3) the County has moved away from allowing private roads. He hopes the <br />llow more private roads for the developments in the watershed that <br />e acre tract. <br />FOUSHEE spoke out of concern for those who own a small amount of land <br />little money. She stated that she opposes the minimum lot size <br />She spoke on behalf of the community members who are in the lower <br />groups who have dreams for themselves and their children. <br />.E5 BURNS of Damascus Church Road spoke in opposition to the proposal <br />racy interim regulatory standards have a way of quietly becoming <br />ndards. This proposal to pxotect the water quality places unfair burdens <br />landowner by shifting the cost of water quality to the rural landowner <br />s to the consumption of the finished product for compensation. <br />P POI'THR'ESS,.°a resident of the University Lake Watershed area, voiced a <br />the, S 'atr.e :lot minimum. He felt it-would be prohibitive for people just <br />ifi life and attempting to raise their families. He expressed a concern <br />'operty owners will be discouraged from trying to buy land in this area. <br />HOLLINS, a property owner in the Upper Eno Watershed, stated that <br />for property owners is one of the sensible things he heard during this <br />He stated that every lot in this county drains into someone else's water <br />Mess of where it is. <br />HACKNEX stated that he feels the regulations are too strict and the <br />use seems to be to regulate growth as opposed to protecting the water <br />~ryone is in favor of protecting the water, however, the residents of <br />:an afford to pay for the treatment of their water. <br />
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