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:_ ___ ~.. <br />~ RE OLUTION REGARbING ROCESS FOR ELECTION OF SITE FOR A NEW ~ANbFILL <br />Chairman Carey stated that due to Commissioner Willhoit's absence, no action . <br />will be taken on this item. It will be reconsidered at the next regular meeting. - - <br />Wilbert McAdoo presented information as contained in the agenda abstract. <br />Commissioner Hartwell expressed dissatisfaction that the focus seems to be on <br />finding a site for another landfill instead of doing something different with the <br />solid waste than just burying it. He feels there should be a"host of other things to <br />consider with the siting of the facility. If an RDF facility is found feasible, it <br />will need to be located near a railroad. The criteria should be more than just <br />finding another landfill site. <br />McAdoo explained that part of the joint task force is conducting additional <br />studies to look at the other issues. Whatever method is chosen, there will be some <br />refuse and that will require another landfill. It will take eight years far a <br />landfill to become operational. All possibilities will be considered. The idea is to <br />involve as many people as possible in the process. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed with Hartwell. He does not agree with moving <br />the problem from Dump A to Dump $. The thrust needs to focus on more than just <br />dumping into the ground. The entire concept of recycling needs to be worked into this <br />process. _ _ <br />Commissioner Marshall commented that it was her understanding that there is Tan <br />intergovernmental task force that is looking at the water issues. The landowners <br />group is working with that task force on the water issues and this group has asked <br />that this task force be created to study the unique problem of siting the landfill. <br />Wilbut McAdoo agreed with this statement, He explained that the Orange County/Durham <br />County task farce is looking into all possibilities and whether it can be accomplished <br />jointly or needs to be done separately. <br />Commissioner Hartwell asked that a sentence be put in the process which <br />indicates that the County is determined to reduce the waste put into the ground. <br />County Manager John Link stated that all these comments will be taken into <br />consideration by the Landfill Owners Group with emphasis on the entire or whole issue <br />and not just finding a landfill site. <br />2 RESOLUTION ~ RESEARCH TRIANGLE REGIONAL UBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORI'~'y <br />Background information as contained in the agenda abstract was given by John <br />Link. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Hartwell, to <br />establish a public hearing date of September l9, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. in the Courtroom of <br />the old Post Office, Chapel Hill to hear public comment on organizing the Research <br />Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority.. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Pat Simmons, Assistant Director of the Department of Transportation informed the <br />Board that a Special Tax District Committee is being set up with Wake County to <br />provide emphasis an some taxing authority. <br />3 REVALUATION <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, Seconded by Chairman Carey, to <br />approve the date of January 1, 1993 as the date for the next revaluation and to adopt <br />a four year cycle from that date. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />.. ~. <br />,l <br />