Orange County NC Website
B. Reports -Commission staff will provide formats and instructions for Reports required by the <br />Commission and the State Auditor. As Report formats and instructions may change from time to time, <br />Commission staff will provide written updates of any changes to the Grantee and will notify Grantee <br />of due dates for Reports. <br />C. Grants Administration -Commission staff or its designated representative may visit Grantee <br />periodically to evaluate and review the Project and its effectiveness within Area of Service. <br />Commission staffwill act as a conduit for sharing information and receiving feedback from Grantee to <br />assist in the overall goals of the Commission and other Grantees. Commission staff may also <br />periodically provide information and updates on the correct usage of Commission logos and <br />trademarks. <br />Section VI. Independent Status of the Parties <br />A. Independent Entities -Parties are independent entities. Neither this Agreement nor any provision of it <br />shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture between the Commission and the Grantee. <br />B. No Agency -Grantee shall not represent itself as an agent of the Commission nor is this Agreement <br />intended to be construed so as to make the Grantee an agent of the Commission. The Grantee shall <br />not have the ability to bind the Commission to any agreement for payment of goods or services, nor <br />shall it represent to any person or entity that it has such ability. <br />C. No Liability for Grantee Expenses -Expenses incurred by the Grantee are its sole responsibility and <br />the Commission shall not be liable for the payment of any obligations incurred in the performance of <br />the Project. <br />D. No Third Party Beneficiary -Parties agree that this Agreement has not been made for the benefit of <br />any third party, and no third party to this Agreement has authority to attempt to enforce it in any way. <br />Section VII Termination and Availability of Funds <br />A. General Termination - Either Party shall have the ability to terminate this Agreement with or without <br />cause on thirty (30) days' prior written notice. <br />B: With Cause -The Commission may terminate the Grant for breach if, after notice and reasonable <br />opportunity to cure the breach, the Grantee fails for any reason to fulfill in proper manner its <br />obligations under this Agreement or violates any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement. <br />The Commission shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days' prior <br />written notice to the Grantee of such termination. <br />C. Lack of Funding -Any and all payments to the Grantee are dependent upon and subject to the <br />availability of funds to the Commission to fund the Project. In the event that funds for this Project <br />become unavailable, the Commission may terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice to the <br />Grantee. Upon notice of the unavailability of funds, all obligations of the Commission to make <br />payments under this Agreement shall cease except for work performed prior to such notice. <br />D. Termination Process <br />I6 <br />