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,,~ ...;. <br />She stated that the~• have become forest managers. Th~~• want to preserve the ~ - <br />tnvironment and planning and zoning was tl,e only war to take care of that. Decisions - - <br />must be made based upon what is in the best interest of mist people. She indicated that <br />she and her husband are ~-ery much opposed to this rezonin; request. Che also addressed <br />the statement that Envirotel; made about how propert~° ~-alues have plumc:~ted along I-y0 ". " <br />between Chapel Hill and Hillsborough and that this area is not a good place far human <br />habitation. She indicated that she went to the Count}- appraiser in the County ~,ssessor•s <br />office to asl: about residential property along I-10 betweer! Chapel Hill and <br />Hillsborough. The Appraiser indicated that propert~• values have gone up from 198 to <br />1988. She requested that the Commissioners deny- this rFZOning request. <br />L~'DIA IiERNODLE spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. <br />TRAWICK WARD spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. He mentioned that he <br />heard more noise from Old 86 .than l,e does from I-~0. He stated that I-a0 runs throng], a <br />virtual tunnel at the intersection of Ivew Hope Road. There is a granite embankment <br />which is r:, to 100 feet high on either sidE. t11so, adjacent to that tunnel a mature <br />hardwood forest extends entirely do,,n the periphery of the property being considered <br />tonight. The noise issue is actually not a problem. He stated that he, his wife and <br />children built their home with their own hands and strongly oppose changing the <br />character of the area. <br />JAMES SWENBERG spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. He su;;ested that <br />Hello Teer attempt to sell the property to see if they could get market value for it. <br />If they are unsuccessful, people might be interested in listening to them discuss the <br />'~ financial burden that is being placed upon them by their inability to use this land as <br />',~= they originally intended. The New Hope Church interchange is the only non-commercial <br />`~ interchange in the county and he hopes that preserving the rural character in the county <br />will be a priority here tonight. He stated that if rezoning tal~:es place it will add <br />ammunition to tl~,e fire far getting that interchange rezoned cammercial. <br />LESLIE MACHOWIC spoke in oplosition to the rezoning request. <br />MS. LEIGH PEEK spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. Shs also indicated <br />that the Wildwood Homeowners association will be meeting next wEel: and she expects them <br />to pkss a resolution on this subject. She read tl~,e resolution into the record, a cafe <br />of which is incorporated herein b~• reference and may be found on page- of these <br />minutes. The resolution mad- be found in the permanent agenda file in tl7e Clerk's <br />office. She mentioned that her figures indicate tiello Teer has invested approximatelti <br />5500,000 in this property and at 55,000 an acre, which is the fair market ti•alue, they` <br />could make S800,000 if then sold this property today. <br />DAN COLLINS spoke in favor of this rezoning request. He indicated that he felt <br />that property owners should be allowed to decide how to use their land. He also agreed <br />with ?+ir. Phears that there is very little use for this land other than to deti°elop it in <br />the manner su~oested by Hello Teer. <br />JOHN CHARLTON, spoke in opposition to the rezoning. He indicted that his property <br />has increased in value due to I-40. He n,entior~ed that I-~0 has made access to Ghar~el <br />Hill and RTP much easier <br />STEPEHN LEVINE urged the Board to rote a;ainst this reuuest. <br />WAYNE RIGGINS spa];e in support of this rezcning reauest. He stated he believed <br />