Minutes - 19890828
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890828
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'.~> 1, <br />the Land t~se Flan. Fart of the County's plan is the deyelogn;ent and retention of openY = <br />space. Contrar~• to popular m~`th, the use of a site such as this ultimately` involres the <br />use of very little of the property. This property cot,sists of approximately 2G8 acres <br />on which there would eventually he a hole that could someday be a la};e in the range of <br />~0 acres. The rest of the property is the same as any otl-er property-. It is regraded •. <br />and reve;etated. Even during the life of the facilitti-, not the quarry- but tL-e facility, <br />anotl~,er AO or 50 acres in additior- to the area that hill be mined Hill be used. T}tere <br />will be very largo buffers and a great deal of open space ~.hich he belieti•es is perfectly <br />consistent. If this application here approved, tl~ey hauld file a Special Use <br />application which would address the special issues hhich would be raised including <br />blasting, noise, dust, traffic, and all the things that go with a mining operation. <br />MICliAEL JOLLY stated in regard to Carrboro's vote on a similar application, with a <br />different acreage that went before them in ?.pril, the message was the same, the <br />arguments were the same, and the citizens were opposed to this request then, just as <br />they are now. He also stated that he was opposed to tl~,is rezoning ar,d would continue to <br />oppose it eac}t time it is presented. HE mentioned that he feels that it violates the <br />land Use Plan for tl;e Rural Buffer, and would decrease property 1•alues. lastly, he <br />expressed his regret that Commissioner 'Marshall has decided not to run for re-election: <br />He than}:ed her~for her tireless and dedicated efforts to preserve tl~,e environmental <br />quality of the county. He thanked all of the Commissioners for their keen appreciation <br />of the fact that the citizens of Orange County care where they live and care about <br />maintaining environmental quality. <br />5T]SANNA TREVINO spoke in apposition to the rezonin7. She asked that the <br />Commissioners help to assure that nothing be allowed to change the character of this <br />area. <br />RITCHIE BELL spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. He commended the <br />Commissioners for the position they tool: in f1pril and ur;ed them to deny this rezoning <br />request. <br />PHXLLIS A. DURHAM spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. <br />CEO:tGE CHOCELEY of Cedar Grote Township spoke in support of this rexonin; reaueCt. <br />He stated he belie;-es that the Orange Count~* government has been trying t.o remove the <br />rights of property owners. He indicated that he was speaking in an effort to help <br />pre'rent further erosion of his Constitutional rights to do as he sees fit with his <br />property. He also.~-entioned that although everyone likes goad food, travel by airline <br />and interstate highway, they don't like the smells and odors associated with farming, <br />the noise associated with air travel, or the rock quarries necessarS* for road <br />construction. He believes that the goti•ernment is not .conforming to the wishes of the <br />people and the people need to turn that trend around. He requested that I;ello Teer be <br />granted this rezoning and Special Lse Fermit. <br />DAVID LAKIN, a local resident, spoke in apposition to this rezoning request. He <br />indicated that this has al~:a;•s been a peaceful place to lire and I-10 has not changed <br />the character of this area to any great extent. Hs also mentioned that the upcoming <br />elementary school needs special consideration for road safety in that vicinity. <br />-'`, I <br />MARY ELLEN PRIESTLY stated that she and her husband purchased thirt~•-•tho acres of <br />forest land in 1972 that is just north of the zoned land. I-~0 cut their land in two so <br />that they have 12 1/2 acres that joins the proposed rezoning and 1~ acres further away. <br />
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