Orange County NC Website
~..~ <br />i ~~ <br />licensed and certified utility company, selected by the developer and approved <br />by Orange County. <br />(4) Orange County will consider the final subdivision plat and issue a Zoning <br />Permit(s) for McLennan's Farm only after final approval is obtained from the <br />North Carolina Department o£ Natural Resources and Community Development, <br />Division of Environmental Management for the community low pressure wastewater <br />disposal facility. A copy of the State permit(s) must be provided to the <br />Orange County Planning and Inspections Department, and Health Department as <br />part of the application for the final plat and Zoning Permit(s). <br />(5) Orange County will issue a Zoning Permit(s) for individual lots only after the <br />N.C..Division of Environmental Management has inspected and approved the <br />wastewater system construction and the system is operational. <br />(6) A contract between the approved utility, municipality, or public water and <br />sewer authority and the developer/homeowners far ownership, operation <br />and maintenance of the sewage disposal system shall be approved by the Orange <br />County Attorney, and shall include the fallowing provisions. <br /> <br />a) Each lot owner, the Homeowners Association, and the utility shall be <br />responsible for all operations, maintenance and repairs on the system. <br />b) All system equipment on individual lots shall be owned by the individual <br />homeowners. However, the utility shall have right-of-access to all private <br />wastewater equipment. <br />c) Each individual septic tank and sewage collection system on each lot shall <br />be installed by the same contractor using the same brand of equipment. <br />d) Should system equipment on individual lots need repair or replacement, the <br />homeowner will be responsible for repair of the system, which repair must <br />be inspected and approved by the utility, the N.C. Division of <br />Environmental Management, and Orange County Health Department. <br />e) Should the homeowner fail to initiate action to have a faulty system <br />repaired, the utility shall have the right to either shut off the valve at <br />the street or repair the equipment and charge the homeowner for the <br />repairs. <br />f) The utility shall, per applicable State and local laws and regulations, <br />meet all bonding requirements. <br />g) A one-time Facilities Maintenance Fee of $700.00 will be assessed against <br />each lot for the purpose of system maintenance and repair. The money is to <br />be deposited in the name of the Homeowners Association in an approved bank <br />or savings and loan institution licensed to do business in North Carolina <br />and be under the management of the utility. The utility shall have access <br />to the account for system repair and maintenance. An annual report of the <br />account status is to be provided by the utility to the Homeowners <br />Association and Orange County. The Homeowners Association shall have <br />access to account records to verify account balances and expenditures. <br />-, <br />(7) The system design engineer and/or the utility shall be present on site at all <br />