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<br />EXHIBIT A ~.~~ ;R
<br />4
<br />~~~ e...~•••
<br />oovNTY of o~N~~ ~ .~
<br />Roscoe @. Reeve
<br />Manager
<br />Patricia B. Smith
<br />Mapping Supervisor ' .
<br />BEGINNING at a point in the Southeast corner of Orange County,
<br />the Southwest corner of Durham County, and in the northern line
<br />of Chatham County, said paint being identified as state la
<br />coordinates E 1,995,039.73, N 769,0,31,29, as designated to be
<br />the corner of Durham and Orange Counties, and the northern line
<br />of Chatham County, by the courts of North Garolina in 1968; thence
<br />from said beginning point S g7° 52' S3" W a distance of 3,031.39
<br />feet, more or less, to the East side o~ SR 1008, Mt Carmel Ch
<br />Road, said point being N 2° ~ arch
<br />base coordinates E 1,992,OOQ44N 768 0 913.46 feet from state plane
<br />a distance of 5,535.61 feet, more or oess~htoca S 87° 19' 47" W
<br />side of SR 1918, Clearwater Lake Road, said pointobeinanNthe°East
<br />~" W 1,530.60 feet from state plane coordinates E 1,988 0006 N35 -
<br />768,000; thence S 87° 16' 1" W a distance of 5,795.04 feet,~more or
<br />less, to a point on the East side of SR 1915, Old Lystra Raad sa'
<br />point being N 73° 35' 20" W 1 ~ id
<br />coordinates E 1,982,Op0~ N 7583Q0014t~~nG from state plane base
<br />of 5,124.73 feet, more or less, to a point i~sthe5ti54r' W a distance
<br />of roads U S Highway 15-501 and Smith Level Raad, saidopoint beining
<br />N 72° 51' 13" W 405.58 feet from state plane coordinate g
<br />N 768,000;'thence S 87° 19' '~ _ s E 1,976,000,
<br />57 W a distance of 1??.5g feet, more or
<br />less, to a point West of Smith Level Road, said point bein N 72°
<br />51' 13" W 406.58 feet, and, S 87° 19 ~ g
<br />plane base corrdinates E 1,976,000, N 768 00122'5$ feet from state
<br />W a distance of 7 545.91 feet more or ly' 0' thence N 83° 26' S~+"
<br />' ~ ss, to a point in the
<br />Margaret Daniel property (Orange Count PIN 9766-gg-24i4
<br />o ,
<br />point being N ~~ y ' ), said
<br />0 30 32 W 990.27 feet from state plane base-coordinates
<br />E 1,968,000, N 768,000; thence N 83° 10' S3" W a distance of 3
<br />feet, more or less, to a point on the East side of SR 1939 P '980'67
<br />20$ South Cameron Street ~ oythress
<br />N111sborough, North Carolina 27278
<br />Telephones: 919 732-8181 • 919 967.9251 • 919 6$5-7331 • 919 227-2031
<br />.
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