Minutes - 19890815
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890815
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12/3/2013 12:17:07 PM
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8/13/2008 1:01:36 PM
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Agenda Item
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,. -, <br />-~.~ <br />within standard for the current number of animals being brought into the shelter. He <br />asked that the Board fund a project that would insure the welfare of the animals in t,~e-- "~-•Q <br />area, He distributed a graph showing the number of animals being brought to the shelter= <br />and the percentage increase. <br />Colleen Gobelstein spoke of the crowded conditions at the shelter and asked the <br />Board's support for providing for these needs with additional space, <br />It was the consensus of the Board to move ahead to obtain approval from the'Town <br />for the scope of the entire project and to proceed with soliciting bids for the entire <br />project with alternates to include an additional 10 dog runs and office space. <br />4. STATUS OF EMS ADVISORY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS <br />This was received as a report with no action required. The first EMS Advisory <br />Council meeting will be held on August 30 at 12:00 noon at the EMS Center on New Hope <br />Road, All except two appointments have been made to this Council, <br />F, ITEMS FOR DECISION--CONSENT AGENDA <br />(Any item may be removed for separate consideration) <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Marshall to <br />approve the items on the Consent Agenda as listed below: <br />1i CONTRACT AWARD FOR THE ROOF REPLACEMENT AT PLANNING AND AGRICULTURE BLDG. <br />To award a contract for replacing the roof at the Planning and Agriculture <br />Building to C.C, Woods Construction Company, Inc. for a sum of $74,400 and to authorize <br />the Chair to .sign on behalf of the Board, <br />2. RENCHER STREET CDBG FINANCIAL STATUS UPDATE <br />To receive as information, The report is in the permanent agenda file in the ~~ <br />Clerk's Office. This reports covers the third quarter ending June 30, 1989. <br />3. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT _ COMMUNITY HOUSING ALTERNATIVES ='•`~ <br />To approve the Performance Agreement with Community Housing Alternatives to <br />provide accounting services for the $20,000 Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation grant and <br />authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Board. <br />G APPROVAL OF TJCOG CONTRACT FOR AGING SERVICES <br />To approve a contract with Triangle J Council of Governments for Title III-B & D <br />Older Americans Act funds ($74,277), State Title III-D Supplemental funds ($2,302 Home <br />Repairs) and SSBG Respite Care funds ($3,454 - Respite) effective July 1, 1989 through <br />June 30, 1990 totalling $$0,03$, and authorize the Chair to sign subject to final review <br />by the Department of Purchasing and Central Services. <br />C.A.T. PROGRAM = AGENCY PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS <br />To approve and authorize the Chair to sign this annual agreement which clarifies <br />the benefits and the responsibilities of a participating member of the C.A,T. Program <br />subject to final review by the Department o£ Purchasnsg and Central Services. <br />6. ENEWAL OF C.A.T. VEHICLE LEASE AGREEMENT <br />To renew and authorize the Chair to sign the C,A.T. vehicle lease agreements <br />involving the assignment or use of C.A.T. vehicles to participating member agencies <br />effective July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990. <br />7. DRIVER CONTRACT RENEWAL WITH O1'C MENTAL HEALTH CENTER <br />To renew and authorize the Chair to sign the driver provision agreement with OPC <br />Mental Health Center, OPC-MHC will reimburse Orange County at $7.00 per hour for the <br />
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