Minutes - 19890801
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890801
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8/14/2008 11:36:54 AM
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8/13/2008 1:01:29 PM
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.. ~ ~~ <br />3 HOMEWOOD SUBDIVISION--PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />The presentation was made by Emily Crudup. The preliminary plan for Homewood is a <br />cluster subdivision. The property is located on the north side of Whitfield Road (SR 1731) <br />one half mile west of Erurin Road (SR 1734) in Chapel Hill Township. Six (6) lots are , <br />proposed that average 1.47 acres in size. The remaining 5.09 acres are designated as open <br />space. On July l7, the Planning Board recommended approval of the Planning Staff's <br />variation on the submitted preliminary plan with a public road built to State standards and <br />the conditions listed in, the Subdivision Approval Permit. <br />Chairman Carey asked several questions pertaining to the map which Crudup answered. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to <br />approve the variation on the preliminary plan for Homewood Subdivision in accordance with <br />the resolution as stated on pages 20 thru 23 of these minutes. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4. FALLING CEDARS--PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />The presentation was made by Emily Crudup. The property is located in Bingham <br />Township on the west side of Dodsons Crossroads (SR 1102) 1.5 miles north of NC Highway 54. <br />It is zoned Residential-1 and designated Rural Residential in the Land Use Element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan. The total acreage of the tract is 21.76 acres. Eight (8) lots are <br />proposed which average 2.47 acres in size. These lots will be served by individual wells <br />and septic tanks. <br />. ~..._,~ <br />;, <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis, to <br />approve the preliminary plan for Falling Cedars Subdivision with a Class B, private road <br />and the following conditions: ; <br />1. Submit restrictive covenants and a road maintenance agreement to the County <br />Attorney for approval. Include in the restrictive covenants protection of existing <br />vegetation, prohibitions of further subdivision, 100' and 75' setbacks, and the <br />larger stream buffer. <br />2. Provide payment in lieu of dedication of recreation/open space in the amount of <br />$630. <br />3. Dedicate 10' x 70' sight triangles on Dodson's Crossroads. <br />4. Submit easement agreements for the septic drain field areas for lots 1 and 7 to be <br />approved by the County Attorney. <br />5. Obtain approval of the required erosion control plan prior to final plat approval, <br />shifting the road as necessary. <br />6. Indicate on the final plat the 150' stream buffer provided in the private road <br />justification. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. HICKORY GROVE--PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />The presentation was made by Mary Scearbo. The property is located on the northwest <br />corner o£ Bethel-Hickory Grove Church Road and Jo Mac Road in Chapel Hill Township. It is <br />zoned Rural Buffer and Protected Watershed II and designated as Rural Residential in the <br />
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