Minutes - 19890801
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890801
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-`~ <br />than anyone else. <br />MR. R. BAST stated that Turkey Farm Road now has a much better roadbed due to the; .. <br />recent improvements. He asked that the job be finished before the progress is washed away <br />by the elements. <br />MR. A. MARCUS thanked the County Commissioners and DOT for the work they have done oxi <br />Mill House Road. He stated that he hoped they would finish the paving as soon as possible. <br />MS. JULIA STORM, a resident of Heartwood on Mill House Road, expressed appreciation for <br />Mill House's place on the priority list. <br />MR. ROBERT MAYES, representing the Emerson Waldorf School, requested that Mill House <br />Road be paved. He indicated that there may be a problem with obtaining right-of-way on <br />that portion of the road from Route 86 to the railroad tracks. He requested that the road <br />be paved from the railroad tracks to Eubanks Road where right-of-way has been granted. The <br />railroad tracks at that point can be considered a barrier, or end, to that portion of the <br />road. <br />CHAIRMAN CAREY asked about the policy on a situation such as this and Mr. Watkins <br />indicated that they would pave the road if a significant portion of it could be included. <br />MR. SPENCE DICKINSON, thanked the Commissioners and DOT for the priority that Mill <br />House Road has been given. He also thanked Eugene Blackwood for all the work he has done <br />on this project. <br />MR. VIC KNIGHT commended the elected officials across the state for creating the <br />opportunity for the funding of Miller Road as well as the other roads which will be paved. <br />He asked if this could be expedited due to the proximity of Miller Road to the Junior High <br />~~~~ School and the High School. <br />MR. WAYNE TILLEY thanked the Board of Cammissioners and DOT for giving Eno Cemetery <br />Road a high priority on the list. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis, to <br />approve the secondary roads 1989-90 Road Improvement Program as presented by DQT. VOTE: <br />UNANIMOUS <br />2. PD-1-89 MCLENNAN'S FARM PLANNED DEVELOPMENT <br />CHAIRMAN CAREY stated that no decision will be made at this time. Public comment will <br />be zeceived during this meeting and this item will be considered again on August l5, 1989, <br />when the full Board of Commissioners is present. <br />PLANNER MARY SCEARBO indicated that the purpose of this public hearing was to receive <br />additional public comment on a proposed application far a Planned Development-Special Use <br />Permit for McLennan's Farm. The plan for McLennan's Farm includes fourteen (14) lots to lie <br />served by a community low pressure wastewater system for sewage disposal. The application <br />went to public hearing on November 23, 1987 and again on January 4, 1988. Anew <br />application was presented at the May 22, 1989 Public Hearing which was continued to June 28 <br />to allow time for the Planning Staff and the County Engineer to meet with the applicant. <br />The public hearing was continued to August 1 to receive the Planning Board recommendation <br />
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