Minutes - 19890801
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890801
Entry Properties
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8/14/2008 11:36:54 AM
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8/13/2008 1:01:29 PM
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.. -, - <br />4;, l :• <br />(5) On the final plat, indicate the acreage of each lot, including and excluding <br />the road right-of-way. ,.:.,~ <br />(6) Submit Restrictive Covenants and a private Road Maintenance Agreement for_ <br />review and approval by the County Attorney. <br />(7) Submit a revised landscape plan for approval prior to installation of required <br />landscaping. <br />(8) Submit paying in lieu of dedication of recreation/open space in the amount~of <br />$416. <br />(9) Restrictive Covenants shall include a prohibition on further subdivision of the <br />five lots, <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />10. LA MESA SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />This item was presented for consideration of approval by the Board, The property <br />is located in the northeast corner of the County on the south side of Bacon Road in Little <br />River Township. Fifty-six lots are proposed out of 86.09 acres, The Land Use Plan <br />designation is Agricultural. The lots will be served by new public roads and by individual <br />wells and septic tanks. <br />It was the consensus of the Board that the payment in lieu of parkland dedication <br />not be required for this subdivision and that the dedication of the right-of-way be <br />accepted without maintenance responsibility. <br />Motion was made by.Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the preliminary plan for La Mesa Subdivision with the nine conditions as listed <br />below: <br />(1) Dedicate 10' x 70' sight triangles at road intersections. <br />(2) Indicate treatment of the existing "pond" on lot 51 on the grading/erosion <br />control plan, _, <br />(3) Provide a fifty-foot (25 feet each side) drainage easement along the <br />intermittent stream extending southeast from LaMesa Lane to the property <br />boundary. When the lot lines and stream are surveyed, the width of the <br />easement may be reduced, if approved by Erosion Control. <br />(4) Combine lots and/or find additional sites for septic tank disposal to address <br />Health Department comments. <br />(5) Provide a 50' public right-of-way stub-out to the western property line in the <br />vicinity of lot 12 aligned with Cortez Court. <br />(6) All public road right-of-way shall be irrevocably dedicated to public use and <br />labeled on the final plat as "irrevocable offer of dedication to the public." <br />(7) Submit a revised landscape plan showing a more accurate location of the canopy <br />line, specifically at the rear of lots 52 through 54, and indicate proposed <br />plantings to meet the requirements of Section IV-B-$. <br />(8) The developer shall make improvements to Bacon Road (SR 1531) required by NC <br />Department of Transportation along the entire frontage of the subdivision. <br />(9) The developer and DOT together shall re-evaluate the current condition of Bacon <br />Road from the subdivision out to NC Highway 57 to include cautionary signs for <br />curve and speed conditions. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill suggested that the requirements from DOT be in writing <br />and by reference made apart of the record. <br />11, THOMAS ~ WHISNANT AND R. GARY PHILLIPS = REZONING <br />The property is located on the north side of NC 54 at and west of the intersection <br />of NG 54 and White Cross Road. The total tract contains 9,49 acres and fronts on NC 54 foi <br />a length of 462 feet. The area proposed for rezoning includes 2.65 acres of the 9.49 acre <br />t t Tli h <br />rac ree zone c anges are proposed within the 2,b5 acre area:. <br />
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