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32 <br />City of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 11 <br />Anal sis of In ediments to Fair Housin Choice <br />children, there are still many of them living in poverty, and many whose new lives off <br />welfare and out of poverty might be short-lived if an economic downturn takes away their <br />jobs. "" <br />3.5 Disability Status <br />Tables 10 shows the disability status of the population within the City of L see Map`C <br />Cuyahoga Falls. These populations represents 15.7% of the total population <br />of the City of Cuyahoga Falls. This information is important to this report as <br />it can become an issue for the City in the future due to the changes in federal and state <br />funding, budget cuts and other pressures being placed on the provision of services to <br />disabled persons. <br />Table 10: Disabili Status b Aj e, City of Cuomo a Falls, 2000 <br />5 -20 21 -64 65 AND TOTAL % OF TOTAL <br />_. <br />OLDER POPULATION *' <br />With A Disability 707 i 4,072 2,987 7766 15.7% <br />Total Population 9,294 28,671 7,785 45,750 92.7% <br />I % of Total Age Group 7.6% 14.2% 38.4% 16.9% <br />_Population <br />_ <br />Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Table DP1, QTP12 (SF1) by Census Tract *Percent of total civilian <br />population within the City of Cuyahoga Falls. <br />As individuals with disabilities age, there is a greater need for housing. As clients age, so <br />do their care givers, causing a decrease in their ability to provide support and assistance; <br />therefore, the need for housing alternatives rises. The people most in need are elderly <br />parents of disabled adult children between the ages of 25 and 60 years of age or older who <br />still live at home. Other groups include: families with a single head of household, adults <br />and children who are non - ambulatory or multi- handicapped (with or without families) and <br />adults who are dually- diagnosed. Support services would include: flexible respite services <br />for elderly parents caring for their children at home, transportation for all segments of the <br />population and day care for children and adults while parents or care providers work. <br />In terms of fair housing, the lack of adequate safe and sanitary housing for persons with <br />disabilities is always a concern. While fair housing laws have strong language /coverage for <br />persons with disabilities and there is strong enforcement, many housing providers are at <br />best unaware or at worst just don't care. It is imperative that single and multi - family housing <br />units be built in the City of Cuyahoga Falls that are accessible and that education and <br />" 2002 Center on Urban Poverty and Social Change Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, <br />Case Western Reserve University; http: / / <br />