Orange County NC Website
-4 <br />262ti Glenvrotld Avenua, 5ulte 300, Raleigh, North Carolina 27608 Auditor <br />LGGIas incr. vtrzoos) CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS <br />Fite tn'friplteate. of Orange County, Norilt Carolina <br />envernmenwl unit <br />On this 3rd day of ApnJ ?DO6 Chery, Bekaer & Holland, I t Pti <br />Mailing Address <br />hereittaRer referred to as <br />the Auditor, and the County Commissioners of Orange County . hereina$er refcrretl <br />Governing Board Gavemmcntal Unit <br />tons the 13ovemmenittl Unit, agree ns follows <br />RECEIVED <br />MAY 2 ~ 2006 <br />'_OCACOMMISSIONENT <br />1. The Auditor stroll nadir all statemrnit and disclosnrtz required by generally aeceplod accoumiag prnriples and sdditioml :cgtrircd <br />legal amtemrnts mai disclowres of all toads arnllor divisions of the Governmental Unit far the period beginning <br />Jutv 1 30p5 .and ending Jmm)a was .The, mnaagemcnt's discussion and oralysis, <br />«on-major combining, and individual toad suuetnents sad schedules shall be wbjected to the auditing procedures applied to tht <br />audit ofthe basic finnnciat staartreots and on opinion will be rendered in relation to {ns applicable) the govettunental aedvities, the <br />business-type activities, the aggregme discreetly presented component units, each major govemmcotal sad enterprise fund, and the <br />aggrcgorc trmaimng fund information (nontnajorgovcmmrnt and emerprise funds, the internal service fund type, and the Rduriery <br />fund types). <br />3. At a minimum, ilrc Auditor steal! conduct his audit and render his report in accordance with generally accepted auditing smndards, <br />The Auditor shall perform the audit in acconlance with Grrvemment rtuditin~Standards if required by the Slam Single Audit <br />]mplemrntadan Act, os codified in G.S. 139-34. if required by OMB Circular A-133 and the State Single Audit lmplcmeatation <br />Act, the auditor shall perform o 5 iaglc Audio <br />3. T/ils contract cantrmplnter an anqual~ed opinion being rardered if financial smtements arc rat prepared in naorhtnce rviW <br />gcaetaily accepted accounting principles {GAAP), orilte statemerts fail to include all disclostms requited by GAAF, explain that <br />depmture from GAAI' in the space below: <br />None <br />4. This cantrrrct rontemplutes un wrrlrroJ{jed ophdon being rendered The audit steal! include suck tads of the aeetwtttiag records and <br />such other auditing procedtacs ns tun considered by the Auditor to be necessary in ilte eireumstatxea Any limttatlonr or <br />rertrletlans !n srnpe trhlch nwrrld lead to o goof fcattwt sbarelJ betally esplalned in an mtudxnuir ro rhis tonrract. The audit wili <br />leave no stops limitndons except: NSA <br />5. If this audit engagemem is subjen to the smndatds for audit as defined in Government Audidno Stmdsnls issued by the <br />Compaoller General of the United States, then the Audiwr wartaats by accepting chit rngagemad dot he/she has met the <br />tequbemrnts for n peer review and contuwiag education as speri6al is S'isvemment Auditine Stnndardt. The Auditor agrees to <br />pmvide a rnpy of their most recent peer review rcpnrt to the Governmental Unit and the Secretary of the Load Governmrnt <br />Commission gpyl!$ rite cucudoa of the nltdit txmtrnel (Sec Item zO J <br />6. it is agreed that time is of the essrnce in this catmtnet AH audits meta be performed and the report of nadir submitted 6y <br />l]ctober 31 2006 <br />7. It is agreed that generagy accepted ourgting standartts include n review of the Governmental Unit's system of internal rnntrol and <br />accounting u same rclnla+ to accountability of funds sad ndhecnce to budges and ]nor tequbcmertla applicable thereto: that the <br />Auditor will aakc a written report, which tray or may not be a part of the written report of audit, to the Governing Boanl easing <br />forth his fmdings, tagedrer wiilt his reeammrndatitros for improvernenL That written report tttnst include all matters defined as <br />"rcpattnble eondiaons" in AU 325 of the A1CPA Professional 5~ The Auditor sha11 file a ~Y of that rennn with the <br />S~eutrv ofilte Local Government Commission <br />8. All local government and public authority contracts for nnniml err special audits, bookkeeping ru other assistance narssary to <br />prcpam the Unit's records for audio Snaneial suuemeot prepomtioa, eny finance-relnttxl investigstians, orany other audit-related <br />work is the Stott of North Caroliia require the approval of dte Secretary of the torn! Government Commission. ]nvaitts for <br />5ec,~eterv nFthe Laval Gnvcmment Commission tTbis elan includes env nmgerss biliin¢s~ An invoices should be submitted i» <br />triplimte w the Secretory of the torn! Govemmrnt Commissirm. The original and one copy will be returned to ilrc Auditor. <br />Approval is not required oa contrutc and invoices Car system improvements and similar services of o aan-auditing amore. <br />9. la ermsidtuntitm of the sntisfactary performance of ills provisions of this agreement, the Governmrntal Unit shall pay to the <br />Audito , tgran apprm'nl by dre Scrremry of the Local Govetmrnt Camm~aslOA, the Collawioe fee which includes may cast the <br />Auditor may incur from work paper or peer reviews or any other quality asstannce program required by th'tnl pnrtirs (Federal mad <br />State gmmar mad oversight agencies err atherorganiz9tionsa) ns enquired order the Federal mad State Single Audit Acts: <br />Yearend bookkeeping assistance-1Fnr audits snbJect to Gavernmaat Auditing Standards, this b limited to bookkeeping <br />aervkes permitted by revised independence Standards( <br />Andit_ 563,500 <br />Pmparmttoa of the finandai stotcments - 51 D,OOD <br />6saiacaace with preparation of the schedule of federal sad State Finanelel assistance $3.n00_ <br />lQ. Afitr completing his audit, dx Auditor shall submit to the Governing Hoard o tvrittrn tepnn of audit This rcpaK stall include, at <br />(cast, Management's Discussion and Amtlysts, the fnaocial statements of the govemmcntal wait and o!I of its componrnt units and <br />notes titercto prepared in necortlnncc wtilt gtmemlly accepter accounting principles, combining and supplemenmry taformoeian <br />requested by the clirnt nr rcquuecl for foil disclosure under ilte low, and the Auditor's opinion on the naterinl presented. The <br />Auditor shall famish the required Dumber of copies of the report of audit to the Governing Board as soon as practical after the <br />close afdte accounting period. <br />