Orange County NC Website
I1. The Auditor shall file with the Local Goverttmem Commission two ropier of the report of audit, inclnding one ropy of the <br />Cederrl Dam Collection Form, if a federal single audit is rondueted In addition, it the North Cnrotina Office of the State Audiwr <br />designates certain progrntna to be audited as major programs, a one pope ttnneroutul documem and a teprcsenmdon letter addressed <br />to the State Audiwr shall be submitted to the Loco! Ciovemment Commission. <br />Two copies of the report of audit should be submitted if the audh is performed only under dte provisions of the State Single Audit <br />Implementation Act or a fiaanciai audit is requited to be ptaiormed in accordance with t3ovemmrnt Au~j(jpe Standards. <br />Otherwise, one ropy shall be submitted Capim aithc report shall be filed with the Local Government Commission when (or prior <br />toy submitting the invoitx for the services rcndttred All copies of the report submitted muse be bound The report of audit, as filed <br />with the Secretary of the Loarl Govemmrnt Commission, beetmta a matter of public record Car irtspectian and review in the <br />offices oC the Secretary by wry iaterested prudes. Any subsequent revisions to these reports must be seat to the Seerewry of the <br />Lacnl Govcmatrnt Commission. These audikd fmaneinl swtemrnts are used i4 the prtpamdun of gffitial Smtemtmt5 far debt <br />offerings, 6y muniripal bond rating services, nod to fulfill serondary market disclosure rcquircmrnts of the Seadties and <br />Exchange Commission. <br />12. Should rircumstantrs d'udoud by die audit tail Far a mom detailed investigoaon by the Auditor rhea necessary under oalinary <br />citcumswaca, the Auditor shall infomt the Governing Board in writing of the need for such ttddidottai invesdgedon anti !fie <br />addittenal rotnpensation required therefore. Upon approval by die Secretary of the foal Government Commission, this agreement <br />may be varied or changed to include the iacreosed trne and/or rotapensadan as may be agreed upon by this Governing Hoard and <br />ehc Auditor. <br />13. !Can approved anttnct Heads to be varied or changed for any reason, the change must be induced m writing, signed by both <br />parties, ptarudited if necessary, aad~ submitted to the Secretary of the Local Govetmnrnt Commission for approwl. No chenae <br />shall be effective unless spgigved by the Sexretarv of the Loal Government Commission the ~°_F!i!I!1>~e Based. end the Auditor. <br />14. Whenever die Auditor uses rn engogcmrot letter with the client, Item IS may 6e completed 6y referencing the engagement letter <br />rnd attaching o copy of the eagagemrnt letter to the rontran to incorporate the rngogement letter inb the contract Ia ease of <br />roaflia betwern the leans of the engngrraent Inner and the trmtu of this romroct, .tire terms of this rontmct will control. <br />Engagement lestter calms ata deemed to be void unless the conflicting terms of this crnttnet rates specifunlly deleted in item 21 of <br />this contract Engagement !alters eorttaining iadrnttrificatiop clauses will not Ire approved by the Cereal Government Commission. <br />15. There arc no sperial provisiot>, except: <br />See attached engagement letter. <br />16. A separate troatmet ough Id_not he made for ach division to be audited or sport to be submitted. A separate ronuact must ha <br />executed for e'acb componem unh which is a 1oa1 govematrnt and for which a ta:pamte audit report is issued <br />17. The ctmtract shook! be extxtmd rnd submitted ' i e'to the Secretory of the Local Gavtmtmrnt Commission, 325 Norih <br />Salisbury Sheet, Raleigh. Nartlt Carolina 27603-1385. <br />18. Upon approval, the original txmmtx will he returned to the Gtrvernmenml Unit, n copy will be forwarded to the Auditor, and n <br />copy retained by the Secretary of the Loal Government Commission. The audit should not be started before the rontmet is <br />aonroved <br />19. There me ao other agreements between the parties hereto and na other ogrcetnents resiativa hereto tlwt shall be enforcarbk unless <br />rnte[esd iota in acrordancc with the prttarthuc gel out herein and approved by Ute Secretary of the Coal l3avernment Cottmdssion. <br />20. iCthis audit rngagtnnrnt is not aubjcd a S1R~~lnyN Auditing Senndnrds rhea Item 5 shalt be listed as n deleted provision is Item <br />21. An exphmedon taus! be given for deleting this provision. <br />21. Ail of the above paragraphs am underswod and shall apply to this agreement, except the following nutnbercd patngmphs ahaU be <br />deleted: (sec Item 14.) N/A <br />Cherry, Bekaert & Iiallarld, L.L.P. <br />(Place type or prim soma) <br />(Sigm of nulhotized audit firm representative) <br />Dote ~ ` ~ `' 4 <br />Approved 6y the Secrewry of the Laval l;ovenmeru <br />Cooun[ssioo u provided in Article 7, Chapter 159 of the <br />Gennal Stawtn err Article 31, Pon 3, Chapter I ISC of the <br />General Stomta. <br />~~'~~~~ EDMUNncn~~ <br />For flu Secre i xnl G~onunissiori <br />Date ~ tgn rc g gh <br />(Chairpetsoa of Awut Committee (plmsa type err print camel <br />(Signatures of Audit Cammincc Chairperson) <br />Data <br />(ICunit don not have as Durst ammdnee, this section ahwld he <br />marked •N/A.7 <br />TMs instrument has hear preoudited is the manna required by The <br />Local Gwerontent Budgd and Foarl t.antml Act or try the School <br />$ud~ge/r aaa Fiscal enrnrnl act/' <br />' Gavernmco Urdt Fioetxe Officer (Place typo or print Hama) <br />s Sigaatttte) ~~ <br />Date <br />(P eaudit C dfiate must he dated.) <br />Hy <br />