Orange County NC Website
Irt.ECEIVED <br />LGG?os (Itev. tnRaosl CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS MAY ~ ~ 2006 <br />Flle la rrlpgmta. of Orange County Spottspltx <br />°avcmntattal unit ~0(~GOMMISSIONENI <br />Oa this 3rd dtty of April 2006 Cherry, Bekaen & Holland, L.L.P.. <br />262fi Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300, Raleigh, North Carol(na 27608 Auditor <br />Mailing Address <br />hereinnt4er referred to as <br />the Auditor, nail the County Cormaissioners of Orange County . heminnfler referred <br />Gavtmtiag Hone! Govtmm~ema) Unit <br />to its thn Governmcnntl Unit, agree as follows: <br />I. The Auditorshnll nadir all stetemcnts nail disclosutd rcgtdrcd by generally accepted accounting principles and additional requited <br />legal statemcnLa gad diselosurcs of all iunda and/or divisions aC the Govetnmrnml Unit for the penal beginning <br />December 16 _ _____. 2005 .and ending )aae]o Zoos .The, rnamgemem's tOseussion nail analysis, <br />Wort-major eomhiding, and intOvidual fund stntcments and sebcdults shall bo subjected to dre atulidag prtradtttee applied is dre <br />audit oCdre basic financial stattmtrnts and nn opinion will be tendered in rclodon ro (as npplimble) the governmental activities, the <br />business-type aciivities, dre aggregate d'ucrcatly presented component units, each major govcmtnenral sad enterprise toad, and dre <br />aggregme remaining fund information (nonmajor govemrtnt and enterprise funds, the internal service fund type, and the fiduciary <br />focal types). <br />2. At a minimum, the Auditor shall conduct his audit card render l:is rcpan is asxordanee with gcncrrlly accepted auditing stnndnrds. <br />7be Audior shall perform the audit in nccsudaoce wtlh Government Auditirta Standards if required by the State Single Audit <br />Implamrntation Acl, as codified in G.S. 159-3~F. If requited by OMH Circular A-133 and the State Single Audit Implemrntstion <br />Asst, the auditor shall perform a Single Audit. <br />3. TLIs carnnct cantemplater an unqualified nplulon being rendered If financial statemenLS ate not prepared in amonlanee with <br />generally aaepted acroundng principle {GAAP), or the slalements fail to include ali disclosures required by GAAP, explain drat <br />depnnurc from GAAP in the space below: <br />None <br />4. This rantrrrrt eontenrplwes an rmqualifred opirdnn being rendered The audh shall include such tests of the neeswotiag rcrords mid <br />such other nutOdag procaltrres as are ronsitlered by the Auditor to be nece®ry in the circumstances. day Unrltarronr or <br />resMeNons to srnpe a IJrh xw1J lend !n n gnal~eotfou should be~u!!y erplulneJ lrr an attachment ro this eunrrart. The audit will <br />nova as :rope limitntinas except: N/A <br />5. If this audit rngagamrnt fs subject to the standards for atufit as deUned in Qovemment Auditing Standards, issued by the <br />Comptroller Gertetnl of the United States, rhea dre Awlitor warroats by accepting this ea}pgetttent that he/she has met the <br />taquircmmts far a par review gad condnuiog education u spccifted is Cinverrrment Audidne StandnrrLs. The Auditor agrees to <br />provide a ropy of their most meant-peer rtwiew report to the Governmeaml Uait gad the Secretary of the Losntl Government <br />Commissitra nrL'or. to the extxudon oFtbe audit oontrocL (See Item 20.) <br />6. tt u agreed that time is of the essrnce in this commit. All gsulits arc m be performed mtd the rnpnrt ofnuditsubmiued by <br />October 3 I 2006 <br />7. It in agreed that generally aoeepted auditing standnrtls include a revinv of the Govrmmtmml Unit's system of internal tmnwl nail <br />acrouatiag its same relates to accountabil3ry of funds and odhercnex to budget and Isw requirements applirnble thereto; that the <br />Author will mdse a written report, tvhich may of may not be a part of the tvrinm report of audio to tits Governing Board sawing <br />forth his findings, together with his rccommandadotu for improvamen6 T'hnt written report must include all matters defined as <br />"reportable rondidons° in AU 325 of the AICPA Profesiorml 3tandnnls. The Auditor shill file a cogv of that rcroB th the <br />SecreMarv oCth I.nwl Gsrvemmcnl Commission. <br />S. All local government gad public authority contracLS for otmua! or speein[ audits, booldcecping or other assismnce necessary to <br />prepare the Unit's records for nudiy financial statement prcparotion, any finance-related investigations, or any other oudit•relgtal <br />work in the State of North Carolina regstirc the approval of the Secremry aC the Local Government Commission. Invoice far <br />services rrndered under there eontmets shall not be tmid by the Governmental Unh strttil the invniea has_been annroveil by the <br />Secretary of rho Ltrtal Government Corranisai°a i'tlris also includes apy pmec~s biliinas t All invoices should he submitted in <br />triplicate Io the Secretary of the Local Government Commission. The origirml gad one rnpy will be returned to the Auditor. <br />Approval is oat requital on contracts and invoitxs for system imptvoemrnts Wad similar smices of anon-auditing ttruure. <br />9. In tonsidsxndon of the sndsfasnory performance of the provisions of this agrcamrny the OovemntenWl Unit shall pay to the <br />Auditor, upon approval by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, the followioa fee which ineludee any cost t}re <br />Auditor may incur from work paper or peer reviews to any other quality assumrtsx program raquicerl by third partial (Federal nail <br />State grantor gad oversight agrncie or other organizations) as required undo the Federal and Stara Siag[e Audit Acts: <br />Aadit B°dPRP°r`a°nohhefinandalsfmtments•S17,SW <br />10. After campledng his ntrdit, the Auditor shill submit to the Governing Hoard a written report of audit Thu rcpon shall include, nt <br />least, Management's D'uwssian and Analysis, the financial smtamtmis of the govemmernal unit and all of ics component units and <br />notes dtcteto prcpaterl ip accanlnnsm with generally accepted nceoundng principles, wmbiaing and supplemrmnry ioformntioa <br />raqursled Isy the client err required for full diselasurc under the law, and Ina Auditor s opinion an dre mntaial preserved. Thr <br />Auditor shalt furnish the required number oC copies of the report of audit to the Governing 9aard as soon as pmctieal alto the <br />close of the accounting period. <br />