Orange County NC Website
<br />11. Tba Anditar shall fUe with the Local Govtutamem Commission two copies of the report oC audit, including one copy of the <br />federal Dam Collection Form, i[ a federel single audit is wnduned. In addhion, if tbt North Carolina Ogee of the Smu Auditor <br />deaignatea eerinin progrntns to he atuitud os mojor progrems, a oat page tutnarouad document and o rcptrseateUan kttcr addressed <br />to the Smu Auditor shall be subtnitud to the Local Government Commission. <br />Two eopia of the rcpon oC nadir should be aulmtitted iCthe audit is performtd tmly ender the provisions of the 5tau Single Audit <br />Impttaaattadoa Att or a financial nadir is required to be performed is accordance with Govtmmrnt Auditina Standards. <br />Othrnvise, oat wpy shall be wbttdlttd. Copits otthc report shall be filed with the Ltteal Governmtnt Commission whrn [or prior <br />to) autmtitting the invoice forehe setvias ttnalertd. All wpia oCthe report submitud must be bound. The report ofaudit, as filed <br />with the Stxretary of the Loenl Government Commission, become a matter of public ttsord for inspection and revitw in the <br />of5ees of the Seeremry by arty interested parties. Any subsequent revisions m ehtse rcparts must be atan w the 5ttatmry of the <br />Local Government Commission. 7lttse audited fmandol suuemmts are used in the preparndon of Ofiieiai Smumems for dtbt <br />offerings, by municipal bond rating setvitxs, and to fulfill seeaadary ttmrket diselasurc requirements of the Stxuritia and <br />Exchongc Commission. <br />L2 Should circumsmnces disclosed by the audit call for a mom derailed investigation by the Auditor than necessary undo ordinary <br />cirwtrtstanees, tht Auditor shall inform the Governing Htmrd in writing of the peed for such addidoml investigation and the <br />addhioml rompeasodon required tbercfort. Upon apptova[ by the Secretary oFthe Local Government Conunissian, Utis ogrcemrnt <br />may be varied or changed u include the inercaud time and/or wmpenantion ns may be agreed upon by the Crovcming Hoard and <br />the Auditor. <br />13. IF as approved contour nerds to be varied or changed for any reason, the clmnge must be reduced to carding, signed by 6odi <br />partia, preaudited if tttxessary, and submitted to the Secretary of the t.ocol Government Commission for•opprevnl. o ch <br />~¢e efieetive unless tmnroved by the Secrctaty oFthe Local Govvnmentsomtgl_ssion the Governing Hoattt end the Auditor <br />14. Whenever efts Auditor user en tagagtment lever whit the client, Item IS-may be eompltNed by referencing the engegemrnt letur <br />nod attaching o wpy of the rngagernent letter to the conuad ro incorporou tltt rngagemem letter into the coatroct In ease of <br />wiiflict 6etwcw the terms of the engngt:ment letter and the terms of this contract, the terms of this coaunct will wntrol. <br />Engagemrnt letter ttatrts are deemed u be void unless ate eon(Iiding terms of ttds contract arc apeei[iadly deleted is Item 21 of <br />this watracL Engagement Itdters conmining indenmificatioa elauau will not bt approved by tht Local Governcotnt Commission <br />15. There rue no special provisions ucept <br />See attached engagement letter. <br />16. A sepanue t.onttntt shoo d n t tie ovule for each divlaitm to be audited or rtport to be submitted. A sepamu comma must tit <br />cxecuWl for tech wmpottent unit which is n !Deal govemtnent and for which a separnte audit report is issued. <br />17. Tht contract should be etteeutcd and submitud in triplicate to the Stsrcmry of the Local Govtxnmwt Commission, 325 North <br />Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carol'ma 27503-1385. <br />18. Upon apptttval, the original cataract will tit retttmed to the Gavemmenml Unit, a wpy will be fottvarded to the Auditor, and a <br />wpy rttained by the Secretary of dit Local Govetamwt Commission Tha audit should not he salted before the eontrntt is <br />°norovcd. <br />19. Them ate no other agrtements 6ttvreen the panics hereto and na other ogrecmenm relative herero Uiat shall be enforcrnble unless <br />catered into in aeeordanea with the prectedurc net out hernia and approved try the Secretary of the Law! Government Commission. <br />20. If this audit engogemwt is not tubject m Goytamrtrnt Auditina Smndards, then Item 5 shall tie 1'tated as a deleted prnvisinn in Item <br />2l. Aa explanation must tie given for deleting Utis provision <br />2l. All of the above paragraphs arc undeisuod and sting apply to this agrmnen~ ccept the following numbered paragraphs shall be <br />• dtltted: (Sec ]tam 14.) N/A l~ • <br />Hy <br />• typeorp' e <br />• tgna afgo iingboard} <br />Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, L.L.P. Dort <br />(phase type orpriat name) <br />Dy <br />(Cbairpeaan of Aadit Cottmditm (Please type a pant tmtaa} <br />(Sigmturc ofauWorimd audit firm represenmrive) <br /> <br />Approved by ate Seaamry of the Loaf Goveroomat <br />Commission as provided in Article 3, Llmpla 759 of arc <br />Gmerot Smwta m Aniele 3i, Pmt 3, Chapter 115C of the <br />General Statutes. <br />SHARON EDMUNDSOty <br />For the Seerctar~Local ov~mment tmmission <br />!1~_ .~ <br />part JUs\igogtttrt~~~~ <br />(Signature of Audit Camatittee Choirprnan) <br />Dau <br />(If unit does not have an mtdit cmtmitiee, rids seaioa abould be <br />tnarL-ed "N/A'~ <br />Ttds ittstromrnt bas Ixen ptraudiwl in the manner [egaired hY The <br />Local Government Btalget and Fseal Control Act err by ate School <br />Otdgct and fiscal Control Acr. <br />Gtrvemm i Utdt Fittaoee Otiieer (Ptease type or prior ttatne) <br />~ ~ <br />Oau <br />Prwudit Cerllficatt must be dated.) <br />~~(~~) <br />