Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />~S~CATIt~N ~U~t T~ R~~O1~~NG <br />Of tlZe remainder of p~N 9749~50~036d firom I2 1 to NG-2 <br />Property of <br />Timberldge Rentals LLG {a.k.a. 't1'ernonDavis} - <br />The 2.04 acre parcel o£ property is currently split zoned with approximately 1.3fi aei~s <br />zoned Rural Residential One (R 1) and the remaining zoned Neighborhood Commercial <br />Two (NC 2). The property in question as located within the 1Nhite Crass Rural Activity <br />Node, which allows fax non-residential development consistent with LC-1 of NC~2 <br />zoning designations. <br />The zoning of t1~e property was conr~pleted at a point in time where the Planning <br />Department allowed septic systems suppot~ing non-residential developments to exist on <br />residentially zoned property, ore portions thereof, supporting an existing non-residential <br />land use. This at~ea of the County is notorlaus fox poor soils with respect to the <br />absorption of wastewater into septio fields. Septic systems were located where the most <br />appropriate soils were located on a given parcel of property regardless of the zoning <br />designation. - <br />This opinion bas changed over tame and staff no loziger allows for the non~xesidernial use <br />of residentially zoned propet~ty, including the location and operation of septic systems <br />and repair areas. . , <br />ViTath.these foots in mind, the applicant desires re-zoning tho remaining 1.34 acre portion <br />of the sub3ect property from R 1 to NC-2 so that the existing septic system and repeat <br />area are located entirely on a NC~2 zoned parcel of property consistent with staff s <br />current interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance. . <br />This praaetiw measu~~e would also guai~ntee that compliance with Section 4.2,9 (b) (3) <br />of rho Zoning Ordinance would be more quickly served with less disruption to the current <br />or future business located on-site if the entire parcel was already zoned 1~iG2, should <br />future conditions so dictate. <br />