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~_: ~: <br />The intent for the EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES was discussed at this point. A <br />decision needs to be made regarding whether or not to charge fees to users. If fees ~a~re._, <br />not charged adjustments in the budget need to be made because anticipated user fees were <br />included in the budget for 1989-90. The proposal discussed assumed that fees would not <br />be charged for the next year except for convalescent transport. _ <br />Mr. Link stated that the option of charging user fees needs to be carefully <br />examined along with all the other alternatives that are available. He recommended that <br />the county proceed with using the ad valorum tax to pay for the emergency transport. He <br />also recommended that the amount of cost that is being borne for EMS services be <br />indicated on the tax bill so that citizens understand this cost. <br />Chairman Carey mentioned that the reactivation and recharging of the EMS Council <br />needed to be included in this proposal. He also indicated that a variety of proposals <br />need to be considered. He agreed that the county should proceed without charging a fee <br />for the coming fiscal year. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that he would like to see the long-range and short- <br />range goals articulated. It needs to be decided where we are going and to identify the <br />resources that are going to be needed to get us there. At that point, the most <br />appropriate way to raise the money can be decided. <br />Chairman Carey indicated that it was the consensus of the Board that fees not be <br />charged and proceed with financing that portion of the budget from the ad valorum tax. <br />"' Commissioners Hartwell and Marshall stated that fees for this service need to be on <br />the tax bill. <br />Commissioner Willhoit addressed the issue of appropriation for the schools. There <br />is a great deal of uncertainty about what the state is going to do with the basic <br />education plan. He indicated that he was concerned with having enough money in the <br />current expense budget so the schools can move ahead. <br />Commissioner Hartwell suggest that the Orange County System appropriate more: of <br />their Fund Balance for the coming year. <br />Commissioner Willhoit indicated that the teacher supplements was one of the schools <br />priorities. This additional money will enable them to meet their goal. <br />Mr. Link asked if what was being recommended was an additional 1 cent? <br />Gommissioner Willhoit answered in the affirmative. <br />Detailed discussion ensured on the pros and cons of allocating full or partial <br />funding requests to the different human service programs, including Kidscope, <br />Choregivers, <br />Mr. Link addressed the 911 enhancement study. The first stage is to look at the <br />actual cost of implementation, including capital costs. A surcharge can be added to the <br />telephone bill to cover that cost. When the system is in place, the General Assembly <br />has before it a bill that would allow citizens, or Commissioners by referendum, to <br />decide whether to add another surcharge each month to help pay for the operations of the <br />enhanced 911 system. Reports will be presented to the Commissioners during the course <br />of this year on how that would operate and what the impact would be on the citizens. <br />