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u -, ~ A <br />.:.4 " . <br />intended to continue as well as initiate programs. We need to look at how CBA <br />priorities are established and funding allocated. He stated that he was not aware of~ . <br />how this program started with a 50/50 split. Now the county is picking up a greater = - <br />share and this needs to be paid attention to. <br />Chairman Carey asked what the probability of additional funds from Luthern Family <br />Services. Mr. Paul indicated that they allot $25,000 to each of their 10 CBA programs. <br />The possibility of allocating more is very slim based on the needs throughout the state. <br />Mr. Link stated that there is a sheet in the packet entitled "Adoption of the 89-90 <br />Budget". An add-on and delete list was started. That document is incorporated by <br />referenced as a part of these minutes. It may be found in the permanent agenda file in <br />the Clerk's office. <br />LINDA FOXWORTH, from the KIDSCOPE PROGRAM, stated that she was requesting an <br />additional $6,184 which is the difference between what they have requested and Mr. Link <br />has suggested. She mentioned that there staff includes apart-time special education <br />teacher, two part-time family counselors, a psychologist and 10 classroom crisis aids. <br />They served 64 kids and their families by April of last year, with approximately 10 <br />additional kids between April and June. They have provided services to 74 teachers and <br />20 day-care centers, 4 pre-schools and 2 headstart programs. They started a parent <br />education program which has served 51 parents through that program. They have <br />negotiated contracts with both school systems through Public Law 99457. They have <br />placed crisis aids in 9 different child care settings. Getting the crisis aids placed <br />has made an enormous difference for the children and the classrooms involved. She also <br />mentioned that they have received program certification through the NC Division of <br />Mental Health. They have also been monitored by a team from the National Institute of <br />Mental Health from Georgetown University. The visited this program as a model of early <br />intervention for children with behavior problems. The program has been presented at <br />local and state workshops and conferences. She requested that the Commissioners keep in <br />mind that this program has served everyone who has asked for it. This includes a range <br />from very mild problems to very severe problems. They try not to label kids however, in <br />12 cases they have had to give kids labels in order to receive Federal funding. They do <br />hope that that will change in the future. Children in all kinds of child care settings <br />are served. Everyone in those child care settings benefit from the program. This is a <br />primary prevention program. She quoted from Congressman George Miller that "for every <br />one dollar invested in quality preschool education fox special needs child, subsequent <br />special education costs are reduced by three dollars." She indicated that there have <br />been changes in their budget since they made their initial request. These changes are a <br />result of other primary funding sources not having fewer dollars for this program than <br />initially hoped for. At the Federal Ievel the amount of money per child has been cut <br />from $1,500 per child to $700 per child. This will create a short£a11 of about $5000 to <br />maintain services. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if Ms. Foxworth could compare the at-risk populations <br />in rural vs. urban settings. Also, he requested that she addresses the statement that <br />the 64 kids they served were only a drop in the bucket. <br />Ms. Foxworth indicated that the problems and causes are different, however, the <br />behavior is basically the same. Also, it is not uncommon to go to a day care center to <br />see a child that has been referred and she sees three more that need to be referred. <br />Chairman Carey stated that this presentation concludes the groups expected to come <br />before the Board this evening. <br /> <br />