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r.,.. ,~ <br />Fi <br />,.,.. u <br />~~~ families who are not eligible for existing services. These families are middle income <br />families. They do not have access to government assistance because of their income, hut:, <br />they are not wealthy enough to pay private sources to take care of their family. This <br />is the group this services is directed at. These services are coordinated with the <br />Departments on Aging and Human Services. They have formed a Community Respite Gare - <br />Committee. This committee is comprised of representatives of Social Services, Dept. an <br />Aging, ARC, Hospice and UNG Alheizmer Support Program. They have approached the Chapel <br />Hill, United Way and the County in September for discretionary funds to start this <br />program up. United Way gave the program $2,500 and Chapel Hill donated $1,000. The <br />County decided that we were going to be passed on to the Long Term Care Committee <br />because they had done some research on this issue and they were familiar with what the <br />County needs are. A meeting was held with them and they supported what was being done. <br />They one area they wanted to wait on was the training of volunteers because it is very <br />expensive. State guidelines are being followed in training so that when the program is <br />operative it will be in line for State funds. They Committee suggested finding a better <br />way to train volunteers so that the cost of start up could be reduced. They were <br />advised to look into Durham Tech and have followed that suggestions. Quite a few <br />thousands of dollars have been saved. They hope to get funding from the County ..for the <br />next year so that they can get on their feet and become eligible for-Federal funds and <br />private Foundation funds. <br />Commissioner Willhoit mentioned that the Ghoregivers program is eligible for all <br />citizens. I£ they do not meet certain income guidelines they have to pay for it. <br />Ms. Acker indicated that this program is different from Choregiver in that the <br />target person for their program is the caregiver. The Ghoregivers clean homes, cook and <br />basically do the chores around the home. The background of the Women's Health Resources <br />is that they are a referral agency. Our clients call in for any kind of health care <br />_' referral. <br />In response to a questions by Commissioner Hartwell Ms. Acker indicated that the <br />training costs are primarily as a result of the professional staff that is needed to <br />maintain this program. A medical person needs to screen the families, a part-time <br />social worker is needed, a volunteer coordinator, and the administration are the cost <br />factors. Tt is necessary that the training be done by professional staff so that we can <br />get reimbursement from the state. The federal funds come from the Triangle J Council <br />of Governments and they have a certain amount of money to be allocated to each County. <br />In order to not be in competition with the Department on Aging for the Triangle J <br />Council of Government funds an agreement has been reached with Jerry Passmore to share <br />the trained volunteers. The Department on Aging would supplement the caregivers that <br />they cannot get enough of so that we would avoid that problem. <br />MR. LARRY PAUL, Eastern Area Director for Luthern Family Services presented the <br />budget for Sheaffer House. He stated that they were asking the Commissioners for an <br />additional $4,102. This is a shortfall based on money received thru CBA funds vs. what <br />the Commissioners have decided to give them for this year. Their current budget is 5~ <br />increase from last year. They have more qualified staff who are staying longer. This <br />is the reason for the increase. The other item they would like to discuss is that this <br />is the third year in a row that the CBA Task Force has given them $62,029. When they go <br />they are not getting the 5~ increase they need. They want to propose a point giving by <br />CBA and the County Commissioners because this is the third year in a row-they have had <br />to come to the Commissioners for the difference. <br />Mr. Link agreed that this is an issue that needs to be examined. CBA funding is <br />