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~- :~ <br />,seeds to go to the hospital when they axe finished being served and take them home. <br />Y <br />Commissioner Marshall questioned why they could not call a cab to get home? - - <br />Mr. Link stated that the Public Works Buildings and Grounds Supervisor was needed <br />due to the growth of demands on buildings and grounds. <br />Ms. xurner mentioned that the current Assistant Director of Public Works is finding <br />it necessary to be involved in Building and Grounds to the point that the administrative <br />duties that are normally shared between the Director and the Assistant Director now fall <br />completely on the Director. The job of maintaining and cleaning our buildings is a <br />massive job which tends to get larger rather than smaller. The role of training our <br />buildings and grounds staff, following up to be sure the work is done correctly, has <br />become a full time job. This has caused the Assistant Director of Public Works to have <br />to fill that job rather than the one intended for .him to fill. <br />Commissioner Marshall indicated that this position does not seem as important as <br />some of the others that have been discussed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed with Commissioner Marshall. He stated that we have <br />put a significant commitment into Public Works with the construction of the new <br />facility. He indicated that he did not feel that the County has the money for this <br />position. <br />Ms. Turner mentioned that there has been emphasis on development programs and <br />enhancing the Public Works function. This has put Wilbert in a position of having to do <br />many things at the same time. The Assistant's position is serving 95~ of his time as a <br />'. Building and Grounds Supervisor. She mentioned that as the county tries to improve <br />--~-~ serves to the public we will have to look at the need for someone to administer these <br />programs. <br />Commissioner Marshall suggested that a plan for the future would be beneficial in <br />deciding on this position. <br />Mr. Link stated that he would delete this position if the Board requested that he <br />do that, however, he would like to the latitude to come back during the course of the <br />year if we are unable to adequately take care of the buildings and grounds without this <br />supervision. He also mentioned that Wilbert would be happy to make a presentation about <br />why this position is needed. <br />Gommissioner Hartwell mentioned that we have added to other positions in the Public <br />Works Aepartment. One of these positions is a Solid Waste Manager and the other is <br />Solid Waste Collector. <br />Mr. Link stated that Wilbert is trying to have the maintenance staff and custodial <br />staff work on a quantifiable basis in terms of how they address the buildings and the <br />grounds. This includes the upkeep, and housekeeping duties. In order to improve the <br />quality of this upkeep the supervision needs to be improved. Wilbert is also being <br />asked to be involved in public relations which means that he really needs the <br />administrative assistance. <br />Chairman Carey mentioned that he had discussed this position with Wilbert. There <br />is an increasing demand on Wilbert to write documents and analyze documents, present <br />reports, and serve on committees. There is also an the increasing emphasis on solid <br />