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t• <br />-~S K_~' <br />like enhancements and its not a sure thing that we can do them. He requested that the <br />positions be put in priority order so that a decision can be made as to which positions-. <br />are most needed. He indicated that the mandated and goal related positions need to be <br />approved. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked if the additional animal control person would have art ' <br />impact on the number of dogs that would be identified and registered. Commissioner <br />Marshall indicated that it would have an impact an registration of dogs. <br />M5. DARLENE WALLS, Executive Director of the Orange/Durham Coalition for Battered <br />Women, thanked the Commissioners for recognizing that domestic violence is an important <br />issue in Orange County. Stated that the $11,000 that has been recommended will help <br />provide services to women and children who need to leave their home because it is not <br />safe. It also helps to provide a counseling service to batterers to hopefully have same <br />impact on their attitude toward their right to batter the women in theix' lives. This <br />program has started in the last year and will continue in the coming year., The <br />Coalition provides a shelter, emotional support, and other concrete services to the <br />woman. They also provide community education, a 24 hour crisis telephone line, as well <br />as the "Change" program fax batterers. The total budget for the Coalition is $221,460. <br />Five percent of that money comes from Orange County, 30 percent comes from other local <br />governments (Chapel Hill/Carrboro, Hillsborough, Durham City and Durham County), 30 <br />percent from United Way, some State and Federal funds, and the remainder is raised by <br />the volunteers. The pragrann has grown from $20,000 eleven years ago both because the <br />need is real and because the communities are responsive to this need. <br />..-,, Commissioner Hartwell asked for comment on the EMS position that would collect the <br />proposed user fees. Mr. Link indicated that this position is a secondary level of <br />responsibility right now. It has not been a high priority in callection. If we are <br />°-~ going to collect this money someone will have to be trained in the art of collection <br />from medicare and medicaid. He indicated that this would be a position that was <br />expendable. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis mentioned that Bill Baxter at OPC Mental Health hired a <br />staff person to go collect this money and the outcome was very favorable. The position <br />was paid for out of the money collect, as well as approximately 4 or 5 X what it cost to <br />hire the person. It took a vigorous person and program to go after the federal and <br />state money and in a humane way to go after the local citizens to pay. <br />Commissioner Marshall indicated that if a Task Force is going to be created to find <br />a final solution to the EMS user fee issue, a staff person trained in these collection <br />procedures would be a vital resource for us in making the final decision. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that he is convinced that revitalizing the FMS Council <br />is the important issue. They could look at long range planning which is an area in <br />which we are woefully lacking. We ought to do the long range planning and identify the <br />resources that are necessary to get there rather that to put financing or fees as the <br />main charge to a Task Force. <br />Commissioner Marshall agreed with that statement. However, she indicated that we <br />will still need some actual experience on how the collection area works. <br />Chairman Cazey asked the Managez to share with the Commissioners the nature of the <br />relationship between the EMS squads and the COUnty government. <br />