Orange County NC Website
ri~ .r~~ <br />~~ ~: <br />2. Planning Directors of Carrboro, Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Chatham County., - <br />should develop a report outlining how each jurisdiction's ordinances can be changed ~- <br />to incorporate the CDM recommendations July 6. <br />3. Orange/Ghatham work group should be asked to convene a series of informational <br />meetings to facilitate preliminary discussion of issues identified by Planning <br />Directors; all jurisdictions (Garrboro, Ghapel Hill, Chatham, Orange) would <br />participate in these discussions although it would be understood that the final <br />decision making authority on land use regulations lies with Carrboro, Chatham axed <br />Orange; OWASA would participate as an observer; meetings would be public meetings <br />open to any other interested observers; representatives of each jurisdiction may be <br />changed by the respective jurisdictions in light of the specific task to be <br />undertaken by the work group at this time; the goal would be to clarify areas in <br />which coordinated action might be advisable and passible and to describe areas where <br />there may be some disagreement; the work group would prepare a short report to <br />decision making jurisdictions outlining areas of possible agreement and possible <br />disagreement, necessary initiatives, and recommendations concerning ultimate <br />decision making process - deadline for completion of this task would be <br />approximately September 30. <br />4. Governing Boards of Carrboro, Chatham and Orange would review the report. <br />received from the work group and decide about additional steps needed and decision <br />making process; goal would be to take necessary action in a coordinated fashion, <br />taking into account other related ongoing planning efforts such as rural character <br />study being conducted by Orange County - deadline for completion of this task would <br />be determined once issues and areas of possible agreement and disagreement are more <br />clear. <br />7. NEW HOPE CREEK OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR <br />Coulter Associates, a landscape architecture and land planning firm, has been <br />retained by Durham County to prepare a detailed plan for the preservation of an open <br />space corridor connecting New Hope Creek and the Eno River. Rather than limit the <br />scope of the study to Durham County, Coulter Associates is requesting monetary <br />($5,000 each) and staff support from Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hill to <br />include the Orange County portion of the corridor. <br />Motion was made by Commiss-inner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit <br />to approve participating in the development of a detailed plan for the New Hope <br />Creek corridor as outlined by Coulter Associates, including the provision of staff <br />and financial support. An agreement between Orange County and Coulter Associates <br />will be presented for approval on June 28, 1989. VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />APPOINTMENTS <br />BOARD OF HEALTH - Allen Rosman and Dr. Philip Singer were reappointed. Dr. <br />Richard A. Beane was appointed replacing Dr. Eugene Howden. <br />PERSONNEL ADVISORY BOARD - Michael Hendricks and Charles Rivers were <br />reappointed. <br />NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Marian Donaldson and Richard Binkley <br />were reappointed. <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - Clint E. Burklin was appointed. <br />