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,- , <br />w.. <br />supply and encourage economic growth in Central/Northern Orange County? <br />The Board agreed that the answer to this question is definitely yes. <br />3. Assuming that Hillsborough is able to obtain the required financing for~.~ <br />the reservoir, does the County want to be involved to any extent in the following <br />areas of planning, permitting and construction. <br />a) Reservoir/water supply protection <br />Yes <br />b) Secondary reservoir uses (Parks, Recreation, etc) <br />Yes <br />c) Financing payback - water rates, grants, loans, etc. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked for some options. The important issue is how to <br />make the reservoir financing self liquidating. There are all chances for creative <br />financing and staging of construction or whatever. <br />Commissioner Hartwell stated that a fair percentage of users are going to <br />reside within the municipality of Hillsborough, but a fair percentage will not and <br />there needs to be some symmetry in the rates. <br />d) Initial sizing and expansion schedule for reservoir <br />e) Environmental Impact, hearings, mitigation, permitting, etc. <br />Yes <br />(1). Does the County wish to insure that public hearings are held <br />regarding Environmental Impact? <br />Yes <br />(2) Does the County want to solicit public comments regarding <br />Environmental Impact? <br />Yes <br />4. Assuming the reservoir in constructed, does the County wish to be <br />involved in the operation, control and maintenance of the reservoir. <br />Commissioner Hartwell stated he does not want to form a water department. He <br />would be pleased to see that burden borne by those who are. already set up to do it. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis stated he feels that there should be a more sharing <br />process of government, whether it's a board of directors with some kind of control. <br />This is something long range that must be worked out. <br />With reference to the timetable, Link stated that the County sites three <br />areas that make it a realistic schedule. The execution of an agreement between <br />Orange County and Hillsborough will take longer than anticipated. A second delay <br />may be in the permitting process. Third, acquisition of the property itself is <br />going to take three to four years. He doesn't anticipate all the. property being <br />acquired before 1993. <br />With reference to the agreement, Link pointed out paragraph two on page two <br />which states talks about the Town purchasing the land for the reservoir with the <br />county bond proceeds with a payback arrangement for the County in terms of receiving <br />the proceeds over a period of time. Ha asked for clear directions from the Board on <br />acquisition of property and negotiating an agreement with the Town for payback. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested merging the two timetables and move as <br />quickly as possible. <br />Link will begin official dialogue with Hillsborough and report back to the. <br />Board as to .his progress. <br />4. ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENTS <br />a. Z-3-89 TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />