Orange County NC Website
i <br /> <br />and is zoned accordingly. The applicant is requesting that this 1.45 acre portion <br />in Orange County be redesignated from its current Rural Suffer categoxy to Ten Yearn <br />Transition. This change would permit smaller lot sizes than the current two-acre - <br />minimum, and would enable the Orange portion of the tract to be subdivided in a <br />manner consistent with the Durham County Montvale Subdivision. <br />The Governing Boards of Chapel Hill and Carrboro have voted to approve the <br />request. The Orange County Planning Board recommended approval. <br />Motion was made by Gommissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall to approve the proposed amendment. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOES, 1 (Commissioner Willhoit) <br />e. LUP-6-89 TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />___. The Town of Carrboro has requested that the 400-foot Rural Suffer area <br />located between Carrboro's Transition Area ZI and Duke Forest be removed and that <br />the area be designated as Transition Area II on the Joint Planning Area Land Use <br />Plan. The land in question is immediately south of the Duke Forest Blackwood <br />Division on either side of N.C. Highway 86 and Eubanks Road. The area consists of <br />approximately 135 acres. <br />The Governing Boards of Chapel Hill and Carrboro have voted to approve the <br />request. The Orange County Planning Board recommended approval. <br />Motion was made by Gommissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the request that the 400-foot rural Buffer area located between <br />Carrboro's <br />Transition Area II and Duke Forest be removed and that the area be <br />designated as Transition Area II on the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />3. SEVEN MILE CREEK RESERVOIR DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE <br />`-" John Link presented far review and discussion a revised Seven Mile Creek <br />Reservoir schedule and Hillsborough's proposed operation and ownership agreement. He <br />presented a list of questions as listed below with the Commissioner's responses. <br />1. Does the County want to be involved in the process of water supply <br />allocation - i.e. How much water will Orange-Alamance receive? Particularly in <br />light of 0/A sales outside the Eno basin and outside the County? <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that what had been proposed was that outside the <br />Town limits, that the County would be involved in distribution decisions. <br />Chairman Carey stated that the out-of-basin transfers want to be limited to <br />zero and he would be against entering into any kind of agreement that would <br />encourage Orange Alamance to depend on long term water use of water in Orange <br />County. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated and the Board agreed with Chairman Corey's <br />statement unless there was a long term agreement by which the transfer of water is <br />shared back and forth depending on the available supply. <br />Link restated that what he hears is that the Board does not want to pursue <br />any interbasin transfer and wants to keep Eno River waters in the Eno River basin <br />basically unless there can be an arrangement worked out on a permanent basis in <br />terms o£ transfer of water between the basins and the State needs to be involved <br />every step of the way as this question is pursued. <br />Commissioner Hartwell emphasized he did not want to do something specific <br />that would make Orange/Alamance Water Gompany unable to serve the citizens in this <br />County. <br />2. Does the County want to be involved in a water reserve set-aside to <br />