Orange County NC Website
._ <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ELLEN G. LISTON TO SIGN AND <br />PRE-AUDIT ALL COUNTY FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ti - <br />WHEREAS, E11en G. Liston has been promoted to Assistant County Manager, effective <br />June 1, 1989, and no longer authorized by law to sign County financial <br />instruments. - <br />WHEREAS, The County needs an authorized person to sign and.preaudit its financial <br />instruments in the absence of the Finance Director. <br />WHEREAS, G.S. 159-29a of the North Carolina General Statutes permits County <br />officials to perform the signature and presudit functions only if <br />designated as Deputy Finance Officer by the governing Soard. <br />WHEREAS, E11en G. Liston has performed these functions previously as Finance <br />Director and is currently bonded for such purposes. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE TT RE50LVED, that Ellen G. Liston be authorized to sign and <br />preaudit, as Deputy Finance Officer, all County financial instruments. <br />This is the 5th day of June, 1989. <br />3. LEASE PURCHASE PROPOSAL <br />To approve the proposal from First Union for a lease purchase arrangement for <br />the purchase of computer main frame hardware and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />4. INTERIM ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION <br />` To establish June 28, 1989 as the public hearing date to receive citizen <br />~~(:; ..? <br />-~~- comment on an application requesting approximately 2.S million dollars financing to <br />be used in the development of housing for low and moderate income homebuyers. <br />5. EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT AGREEMENT <br />__._ To approve the execution of the Emergency Shelter Grant Agreement, Funding <br />Approval and the Agreement with InterFaith Council and authorize the Chair to sign <br />on behalf of the Board. <br />6. RENCHER STREET CDBG PROGRAM = RE,~EST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS AND CERTTFICATIONS <br />To approve the execution of the Request for Release of Funds and <br />Certification for the Rencher Street GDBG Program and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />7. ENO RIVER ESTATES = PHASING PLAN <br />To approve a revision to the Phasing Plan for Eno River Estates located in <br />Cedar Grove Township at the end of Lake Orange Road. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DEGISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. SOLID WASTE GOLLECTION TWO SITE LEASES AND ONE SITE PURCHASE (Copies of all <br />documents axe in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />to approve for consolidated greenbox sites a lease between James and Betty A. <br />Thompson and Orange County and J. F, and Dorothy Morris and Orange County and one <br />purchase of property from James Ferguson and to authorize the Chair to sign all <br />documents. <br />