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~1 <br />.J <br />Williams Airport. He mentioned that the lack of zoning for development and the lack <br />of infrastructures (water/sewer) hinder the attainment of our common goal of economic <br />development. These need to be our priorities. <br />MR. ARNOLD GREENWELL, a private pilot and user of Horace Williams Airport, spoke <br />in favor of the proposed airport. He stated that he was angry and upset that the <br />Public Hearings on the proposed airport were prematurely stopped. He lives within two <br />blocks of Horace Williams and believes it is a good neighbor. It is a part of the <br />national public transportation system. He does not feel that the opposition <br />represents a majority of the citizens but is a vocal minority. He reminded the <br />Commissioners that two years ago at the Public Hearing at Phillips Junior High School <br />the sentiment was running 50/50 on the airport issue. He felt that this was a more <br />accurate representation of the citizens. He also indicated that he opposed having <br />additional restrictions placed on the Horace Williams Airport. <br />MR. JOHN MCKEE,.Chairman of the Orange Gounty Economic Development Commission <br />(EDC), read a written statement which is incorporated as a part of these minutes by <br />reference. He stated that he was encouraged by some of the ideas he has heard at this <br />hearing. Sign-up forms were left in the front of the room and citizens were <br />encouraged to volunteer to serve on one of the Committees of the Economic Development <br />Commission. <br />MR. .7IM LA TORRE asked Commissioner Carey to assure the citizens that the vote on <br />Monday night meant that no airport would be built in Orange County, rather than that <br />no airport would be put on Site 11. Mr. Carey indicated that the vote meant that Site <br />11, which was the only site that remained on the list to be considered, was not <br />suitable for an airport. The motion also made specific reference to the fact that <br />alternatives to an airport were more suitable for pursuing the County's goals of <br />economic development and diversification of the tax base, and the Commissioners were <br />interested in exploring those with the citizens of Orange county. As a result of <br />further questioning by Mr: LaTorre, Chairman Carey stated that as long as the present <br />Board remained constituted the way it is, there will be no further plans for an Orange <br />County regional airport. Mr. LaTorre thanked Commissioner Hartwell for coming to Site <br />11 and viewing first hand the damage that the airport .would have done. He reiterated <br />the point that lack of communication was part of the problem. He also pointed out <br />that the citizens were half of the problem as they often do not keep up with county <br />politics. He suggested that zoning for clean industry would be helpful in attracting <br />the right kind of industry to Orange County. He offered his services in helping to <br />reach that goal. <br />MS. PAT GREENWELL, a resident of Orange County, spoke in favor of the need for a <br />regional airport. She stated that she would have been a user of such an airport and <br />was disappainted'at the way in which the vote was taken. She mentioned that she <br />believed many other citizens would have come out in support of the airport if the vote <br />had not been taken prematurely. She wanted the Commissioners to know that she <br />believes that aviation is safe and an asset to the community. <br />MR. TREY GREER, a pilot and resident of Carrboro, spoke in favor of the need for <br />a regional airport. He expressed disappointment that the vote had been taken before <br />the Public Hearings. He also mentioned that his belief is that the Horace Williams <br />airport is safe and the additional 500 feet of runway is intended to make the airport <br />safer for those already using it, not to allow jets to land there. He feels that the <br />schools are in no danger from the aircraft flying in and out of the airport. <br />~, <br />l <br />-~r <br />;. <br />