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:! <br />~~ <br />would allow urbanization of the watershed and was therefore not compatible with the <br />requirements of a WS I watershed. The developer of Amberly has recently announced his „_w, <br />intention to xedesign the project to make it consistent with the recommendations of the <br />OWASA study. The McLennan's Farm proposal has been resubmitted in essentially the same <br />form as it was initially submitted. The only difference is in the organization of how <br />the waste system will be managed. The proposal does not meet the State's rules for a <br />WS-I watershed. It is not in conformity with the OWASA study. It threatens the quality <br />of a major pubic water supply. McLennan's Farm should be rejected and the <br />recommendations of the Camp, Dresser, McKee report should be adopted. <br />BOB PECK, Chairman of the OWASA Board, read a statement to the Board. A copy of <br />this statement is incorporated herein by reference and may be found in the permanent <br />agenda file in the Clerk's office. He recommended that the Board of Commissioners deny <br />the Special Use Fermit application for McLennan's Farm based on findings that the <br />project will not promote the public health, safety and general welfare if located in the <br />University Lake watershed, and if developed and operated according to the plan as <br />submitted. <br />MARTIN MANDEL reemphasized the rating of the watershed.. He stated that the Board <br />has governmental jurisdiction over 80~ of this area, She asked the Commissioners to <br />please make wise decisions. The citizens will support you. <br />MARGARET BROWN strongly urged the Commissioners to take a long view of this issue <br />and protect the drinking water. If it is not protected, there will be the burden of <br />heavy taxation and the demoralizing task of cleaning up the water supply. She urged the <br />Commissioners to deny this request. <br />THE PUBLIG HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />A motion was made by Chairman Carey, seconded by Commissioner Hartwell, that the <br />Public Hearing be continued to June Sth to give the County Engineer and the McLennan <br />Farm's engineer an opportunity to meet and further discuss the alternative wastewater <br />treatment system and for the County engineer to provide a complete evaluation of the <br />system at that time. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS <br />a. Article 12-Landsca in & Screenin Requirements <br />The purpose of this item is to receive public comments on proposed <br />amendments to Article 12 of the Zoning Ordinance, Landscaping and Screening <br />Requirements. The purpose of the proposed amendments to Article 12 is to provide more <br />consistency between the subdivision landscape regulations and the requirements for <br />landscaping and screening contained in the Zoning Ordinance. <br />THERE WERE NO QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Chairman Carey, to refer <br />this item to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board no <br />sooner that August 1st. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. .Article 7.20.4) Mobile Home Parks (Landscaping & Screening <br />Requirements). <br />The purpose of this item_is to receive public comments on proposed <br />