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MR. HARTFORD stated that the County has nothing to do with this and the State says <br />that there has been no inspection or record of a permit being issued. The system is 30'~"~; <br />square and full of stone. It should have 4 to 6 inches of washed sand on top of the <br />stone. There should also be an effluent distributor that spreads the effluent over the ';~ <br />surface of the filter pit. <br />MR. GARY PHILLIPS distributed a copy of a letter from Ballentine Associates, P.A. <br />who were retained by Mr. Phillips to begin the process of obtaining a DEM permit. A <br />copy of this letter is made a permanent part of these minutes by reference and is <br />located in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. He indicated that they <br />contacted the County and were told that they had no jurisdiction over the property. DEM <br />said they had no record of the property and therefore could not inspect it. He asked <br />them to do a search for the permit. DEM replied that the County must have issued a <br />permit and therefore were responsible. After repeated calls which did not solve the <br />problem, he called DEM and requested that they advise him on how to get this system <br />inspected. They told him to hire an Engineer to evaluate the system and have him <br />contact DEM and make a recommendation as to repair and maintenance. He also mentioned <br />they spent over $2500.00 for renovations to the system. He indicated that the intention <br />behind this request for an amendment is to close a small gap between two commercial <br />properties. Historically, this property has been used for commercial purposes. He <br />stated that they owned the six homes mentioned earlier. Because the system is a simple <br />sand system, it is not certain whether DEM will require a license to operate. He stated <br />that they were prepared to go with whatever DEM suggested. <br />COMMISSIONER HALKIOTIS questioned the sentence in Mr. Sallentine's letter which <br />stated that "available data indicates that the existing system has performed <br />satisfactorily." He asked if they would say that it is performing satisfactorily at thE,,:,. <br />present time. He also questioned if he had heard correctly that there was a 10,000 <br />gallon underground tank. '::::'~ <br />MR. PHILLIPS stated that he did feel that it was performing satisfactorily.. The <br />adjoining property owner, Mr. Everett Blackwood, has agreed to give up to eight (8) <br />acres of repair area for the project. Also, there is a 10,000 gallon concrete tank. <br />MR. TOM WHISNANT, property manager at White Cross School and the six houses, stated <br />that they have been working diligently to up-date the system. The system was installed <br />by Orange County and did meet standards at that time. The system is in better shape <br />than it has been in quite some time. <br />COMMISSIONER WILLHOIT stated that the system was owned by the school system, not <br />the County. <br />In answer to a question from Dan Eddelman, Mr. Whisnant stated that they had <br />enlarged the parking area which was one of the reasons they were requesting this <br />rezoning. They are trying to develop a Regional Arts Center and are having some success <br />doing so. The success of this project is creating new problems. Expanding the parking <br />facilities is one way of solving some of those problems. In order to do this expansion, <br />they will need a parking facility in an R-1 zone for a NC-2 which is what they have <br />currently. They are trying to correct this because they believe it was an error in the <br />Zoning Atlas. In addition to rezoning the R-1, they are trying to-rezone the LC-1 so as <br />the school continues to grow they will be able to continue to comply with zoning. If <br />the rezoning request is successful, they will have one acre of additional parking which <br />should handle any event that is scheduled. <br />