Minutes - 19890516
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890516
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<br />~. <br />--. postponed until all the Board members are present. The applicant waived any official <br />deadlines. <br />b LUP Ame_ r-dn-eiit ENO - 2 Node <br />This item was postponed. It will be placed on the June 5, 1989 agenda. <br />2. POLICY CONSIDERATION ; SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br />Planning Director Marvin Collins presented for approval a policy for <br />application of the amended recreation requirements of Section IV-B-7-b to subdivisions <br />currently in the approval process. <br />Motion .was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Gommissioner Halkiotis <br />to approve the Planning Department recommendation, as stated below, with the effective <br />date of June 30: <br />"The following subdivisions are included in the recreation dedication/payment- <br />in-lieu requirements: <br />(1) Major subdivisions which receive preliminary plan approval prior to the <br />effective date of the amendment to Section IV-B-7-b; and <br />(2) Minor subdivisions which receive final plat approval prior to the <br />effective date of the amendment to Section IV-B-7-b. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />3. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TEXT AMENDMENTS ~ RECREATION SITES <br />Marvin Collins explained that with the adoption of the Master Recreation and <br />Parks Plan and its incorporation as the Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan <br />on July 5, 1988, amendments are necessary which provide consistency between the <br />wording and intent of the N. C. General Statutes and the Orange County Subdivision <br />Regulations. <br />The Administration and the Planning Board recommend these changes which would <br />require the dedication of recreation sites or payments in lieu of dedication on a <br />countywide basis as follows: <br />].. If a subdivision were presented to the County for approval, and it <br />contained (within its boundaries) a recreation or open space area (or <br />portion thereof) as designated in the Recreation Element or Joint Planning <br />Area Land Use Plan, the County would require the dedication of the area <br />(or portion thereof). The land so dedicated would serve the residents of <br />the subdivision and the immediate neighborhood in which the subdivision <br />was located. <br />2. If a subdivision were presented far approval, and no portion of a <br />designated recreation or open space area were located within the <br />boundaries of the subdivision, a payment-in-lieu would be required. The <br />payments collected from subdivisions within the immediate (service) area <br />of a "recreation area would be used to acquire additional land for that <br />site. <br />The following changes were also recommended to insure consistency with the <br />General Statutes: <br />1. Provide a definition of "immediate neighborhood" to define a subdivision <br />neighborhood in the context of the service area of a park site, thus <br />establishing a connection between the concepts used in the enabling <br />legislation and the Recreation Element. <br />2. Amend references to acquisition and/or development" o£ recreation sites <br />to "acquisition", since the General Statutes permit payments-in-lieu to be <br />used for this purpose only. <br />
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