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`. <br />MR. MCDOWELL stated that they tried to estimate the number of acres that would <br />be included in each one of the land use categories. On the Land Use Plan there is a <br />rural/industrial node that cross roads near site 17 and that is where the difference <br />came from. Some of the property may be acquired from that node. <br />COMMISSIONER MARSHALL stated that she was not sure that this process could be <br />kept theoretical. She stated that at least three sites scored so low in land use <br />that the other scores were irrelevant. Where there is more evenness it. would be <br />possible to talk about the technical differences. <br />MS. EIDENIER stated that the handouts mentioned economic impact. She asked if <br />someone from the EDC could address the positive aspects of the economic impact of an <br />airport. <br />MR. MCKEE stated that the EDC had not formulated an idea as to what was best. <br />The EDC sees this as an opportunity to improve the job situation in the County. A <br />lot of this depends on the site chosen. The EDC interviews people who have companies <br />who would like to take a look at Orange County. One of their concerns is always, how <br />close is it to an airport that can be used for their executives. The idea is to <br />accommodate that if possible. The EDC would not advocate an airport .site <br />incompatible with the Land Use Plan. The EDC would not have a definite position on <br />the importance of the airport until a site is chosen. <br />CHAIRMAN CAREY asked the Commissioners if they had enough information to narrow <br />the sites down to one or two for purposes of going into the public hearing. <br />GOMMISSIONER HARTWELL stated that the detailed copy of the matrix had been very <br />helpful. He expressed surprise at some of the figures. He was surprised at the <br />number of people who live in the site 8 area. He indicated that he would be happy to <br />narrow the debate down to site 11. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell., seconded by Commissioner Marshall, <br />to narrow the discussion of a proposed airport to Site 11. <br />COMMISSIONER MARSHALL stated that Site 11 comes up first, and is the only one <br />that is acceptable from the perspective of community concerns.. However, with <br />reference to the development concerns, that comes up 5 out of 6. She agreed with <br />Commissioner Hartwell that compatibility with the community is important. However, <br />the other areas°need to be looked at. She mentioned that one concern she has about <br />Site 11 is the proximity to Seven Mile Creek Reservoir. <br />CHAIRMAN CAREY indicated that was also his concern. If Site 11 is considered as <br />the site to take to public hearing, more information will need to be presented about <br />the impact on a future reservoir. He stated that he also feels that Site 11 scores <br />high on social/environmental concerns and on land use concerns as well. That may <br />mean that there are fewer families to be relocated and is the closet site to the <br />areas on the land use plan that are earmarked for future economic development. <br />