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4 <br />payroll and reducing costs associated with creating and maintaining paper records. Allowing <br />employees the option of using accrued and /or advanced leave to supplement hours worked in <br />the pay period ending October 8, 2010, will create an expense not to exceed $800,000 with a <br />corresponding reduction in the County's booked liability for.vacation and sick leave. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board on second reading approve <br />the amendment to Article Ili, Section 1.0 of the Orange County Personnel Ordinance and <br />approve the resolution authorizing use and advancement of up to forty hours of sick leave and <br />personal and petty leave accrued through June 30, 2011 for the sole purpose of supplementing <br />employee pay for the period ending October 8, 2010 during implementation of the payroll <br />deferral. <br />