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PAGE S <br />However, the changes proposed tonight do not strengthen the Rural Buffer. They punch a <br />hold in the middle of it, right at one of its most vulnerable spots. If approved, there `-"`? <br />is a danger that these changes would be the initial leak that would destroy the dike. If ;~ <br />the fabric of the Rural Buffer is threatened, it should be for the sake of an urgent c <br />requirement that benefits a significant portion of the County and it can be located <br />nowhere else. However, the changes that have been presented tonight fall way short of <br />being urgent or of benefiting a significant portion of the County or cannot be located <br />elsewhere. The members of the Stoneycreek Neighborhood Association urge the Board to <br />consider two points. (1) Only change the Land Use Plan on a five to ten year cycle. With <br />any mare frequency it ceases to be a plan. (2) Don't punch a hole in the Rural Suffer that <br />everyone has worked so hard to establish for the sake of trivial uses easily located <br />outside of the Rural Buffer. Burklin presented far the record a series of letters that go <br />with the statement submitted by members of our neighborhood. He Hated that he lives <br />adjacent to that intersection and does not feel deprived of commercial conveniences. If <br />you have to drive five miles for a loaf of bread you have passed up a lot of good stores <br />like the Blackwood Station. (These letters are part of the record by reference and are <br />located in the Permanent Agenda Files in the Clerk's Office). <br />Chairman Carey stated that a number of letters have been received and will be <br />included in the record. <br />MS. PRIOLI read a letter into the records which is as follows, "Ta the Orange County <br />Commissioners, we support the present Land Use Plan which governs the node of the <br />intersection of New Hope Church Road and I-40. This node is zoned Agricultural. We do <br />not support changing the Rural Buffer in any way with commercial, or industrial type <br />businesses. We do not want the zoning at this node changed or even partly changed. We <br />live in north Orange County because we like the agricultural atmosphere and scenery and w ?~'~; <br />want to remain that way". , <br />MR. SWENBERG stated his land is on New Hope Creek adjacent to that land being <br />proposed for the change. He commended the Orange County Planning Staff for their <br />recommendation far denial of this change. He purchased this land approximately two years <br />ago after the decision was made that this would not be a commercial node. He did so <br />because he wanted the rural character of the land. There have been negative impacts of I- <br />40 but he does not want to trade that for having commercial activities and a rock quarry <br />right up the road. If a rock quarry goes in there, there would be 80 to 1OO trucks a day <br />going down that road in addition to what's already there. That would be a very negative <br />impact. Currently there are approximately 18 Canadian honkers that fly aver at least 4 <br />times a day. They are probably going to be diverted if this commercial use goes through <br />here because they'll not want to go past shopping centers. They have a wonderful creek <br />there that does not need disturbed further. He asked that this proposal be denied. <br />MS. JENNIE SELLARS spoke representing her family and the heirs of Benjamin Neville. <br />She asked about the location of her property to that under consideration far rezoning. <br />This was not the item Ms. Sellars wanted to speak to. She will speak later. <br />JOHN BLACKWOOD, who lives on New Hope Church Road, stated he lives on the property <br />that is in question here tonight. He indicated he was representing himself and other <br />Blackwaods, brother, cousins, and etc, that own this property. He painted out that this <br />property came from a grant from the King of England. The highway saw fit to come through; <br />the state saw fit to put I-40 through and disturb the property considerably. They <br />somewhat dictated what could be done with the property by putting an interchange right a <br />that particular point. He stated the. present land use devaluates his property <br />