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..._.. ~-~'..1 <br />to authorize a landfill on this site. <br />r...,1 <br />In answer to a question from an unidentified citizen, Weldon responded that having a <br />zoning designation of R1 that doesn't permit a landfill when there is a distinct ~`. <br />possibility that it may be used as a landfill, would be more misleading than zoning it RT. <br />RT is more appropriate and is the least misleading because it indicates that it may be <br />used as a landfill. It may not but there is the possibility. <br />SILL ELLIOTT spoke representing the Northwest Chapel Hill Neighborhood Association, <br />which is a group of about 50 residents in the area south of the Green tract. He stated <br />they feel that RT is inappropriate for this piece of land because, first of all it is <br />surrounded by residential zoning. There is no logical reason to have different zoning for <br />this piece of land other than for the purposes of a landfill. Since that decision has not <br />been made, it doesn't seem reasonable to go ahead and rezone it to allow that to happen <br />before the decision has been made. It is also in the urban services district of Chapel <br />Hill which was specifically put in to encourage higher density, efficient use of land and <br />public facilities, sewer lines, etc. There is a big hole in the urban services district <br />which is, even with the very large lots, not consistent with the rest of the area. There <br />is no reason for it at the present time. To allow a landfill in an area where people get <br />their water from wells is very dangerous and unreasonable. There is a lot of anger among <br />the people that are present. Part of his anger has to do with the time that is being <br />spent on this issue. The consultant hired by the Solid Waste Task Force has said that <br />this is not a good site. The Chapel Hill Planning Board has said that this is not a good <br />site. The Planning Staff originally, before the Manager essentially overrode them, was <br />going to recommend R-1 for this. Yet, time is being spent an this rather than on finding <br />alternative sites. This area will be in the town limits within the next 5-10-15 years. <br />To have a landfill right in the middle of a residential development makes no sense. To <br />push this forward at this time is inappropriate and difficult to understand. He said tha~ <br />people wonder what the motive is for pushing this forward and not putting more energy into _ <br />finding a better solution and a better site. . <br />In answer to a question from Mr. Stroud, Chairman Carey stated that if a landfill is <br />proposed for this piece of property, there will be public hearings held on it, because a <br />Special Use permit will have to be obtained by those who wish to use it as a landfill, <br />i.e. the County and the two Municipalities that own the property. Questions will be <br />answered at that time. At the time that a permit is issued, the appropriate protections <br />will need to be in place. <br />A citizen spoke who owned property near the proposed landfill commended the task <br />force created by the Mayor a year or so ago. They have been working very diligently in an <br />attempt to salve the problem. People need to realize that they are all part of the <br />problem and they all are going to have to be apart of the solution. He stated he <br />believes that if everyone continues to work hard, that this county and these governments, <br />with the help of the citizens, can solve this problem through a combination of recycling, <br />composting or whatever is finally recommended. <br />THERE BEING NO FURTHER COMMENTS THE PU$LIG HEARING WA5 CLOSED <br />Chairman Carey referred Item 2 (a) to the governing board of the Town of Carrboro and <br />2 (b) to the governing board of Chapel Hill and bath items to the Orange County Planning <br />Board for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than .Tune 5th, 1989. <br />