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I <br />-~ <br />In answer to a question from a citizen Mr. Williford stated that there are two <br />issues: (1) to amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan--to remove the rural buffer and <br />then to extend the transitional areas and (2) zone that area the designation which all the <br />other transition areas will be currently zoned, which would be RR. In this. case, that <br />would be one unit per acre, so it would be a density change. It would add an additional <br />67 units on 135 acres, Another zoning classification would need to be created far the <br />watershed. This change would not honor existing lot boundaries whereas the other <br />designations of the Rural Buffer have pretty much honored existing lot boundaries, It's <br />just a set distance, <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested that this change be delayed until the larger <br />questions of the FID and designation of the Rural Buffer have been decided, Those <br />properties in the Hickory Forest area would be affected by this change. <br />THERE BEING NO FURTHER GOMMENTS THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Chairman Carey stated that concludes all of the Land Use Plan amendment proposal. <br />These will be referred to the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro and to the Orange County <br />Planning Board for decision no sooner than June 5. <br />2. a. Z-3-89 TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />The presentation was made by Roy Williford, In summary this item is to <br />receive citizen comment on a proposed amendment to the Orange County Zoning Atlas which <br />would incorporate a proposed change to the Town of Carrboro's Zoning Map. The proposal <br />would rezone the aforementioned 400-foot buffer area adjacent to Duke Forest from its <br />current Orange County zoning designation of Rural Suffer (RB) to the Carrboro zoning <br />designation Rural Residential (RR). The Rural Residential district represents the zoning <br />classification shown for all properties within the Town of Carrboro Transition Area II as <br />shown on the Joint Planning Land Use Plan and allows one residential unit per acre of <br />land.. <br />THERE WERE NO COMMENTS <br />2, b. Z-4-89 TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL <br />The presentation was made by Roger Waldon, Planning Director for the Town <br />of Chapel Hill, In summary this item is to receive citizen comment on a proposed <br />amendment to the Orange County Zoning Atlas that would incorporate a proposed change to <br />the Town of Chapel Hill Zoning Map, The proposal would rezone a parcel located in the <br />Chapel Hill Joint Development Area as identified on the Orange County-Ghapel Hill-Carrboro <br />Joint Planning Land Use Flan. The property is currently zoned R-1 Rural Residential by <br />Orange County. Under the terms of the above-referenced Joint Planning Agreement, the <br />property would be assigned a Chapel Hill zoning designation. The Chapel Hill Town Council <br />adapted a resolution calling for this property to be zoned Rural Transition (RT). Chapel <br />Hill's RT district is intended to be applied to land which is used for agriculture, very- <br />low intensity residential, or open space uses, but which is projected in the Comprehensive <br />Plan for conversion to more intensive urban uses at such time as community services are <br />available and community needs for such uses are present, The minimum lot size requirement <br />in the RT district is 100,000 square feet. <br />Chairman Carey emphasized that the zoning of this parcel is not a decision to locate <br />or not locate a landfill on this property. Anything located on this property would have <br />to have permits applied for and granted, and a special use permit applied for with public <br />hearings and ample opportunity for citizen comment, Again, this action is not an action <br />