Minutes - 19890406
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890406
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-, <br />fine tuning and Carrboro recognized that. She asked support from the elected officials <br />and support of Joint Planning in moving ahead with their effort to fine tune the Land Use~~~~~'; <br />Plan. <br />In answer to a question, Carol Zinn stated that if lot 28 is separated from lot 27, <br />than it would be mostly in Orange County with some of it in Durham County-Durham City. <br />The school district is Durham. <br />In. answer to another question, Carol Zinn stated that the tax map shows a much <br />smaller portion of this lot was in Orange County. It didn't look like any problem at all. <br />When it was finally surveyed they found out that it was larger. They were told initially <br />by the Planning Staff and Orange County that it was an administrative matter. They went <br />through the whole approval process with Durham City believing that and then right near the <br />end found out that it was a larger problem than they anticipated. <br />The question of this becoming a noncomforming lot if approved was addressed by Marvin <br />Collins. He stated that there are two different definitions of a lot within the County's <br />zoning ozdinance. One is called a zoning lot which would be that portion of lot 27 that <br />is in Orange County. It would be a zoning lot zoned rural buffer and from that standpoint <br />would be noncomforming. By looking at it from the Durham County side, they do have a <br />buildable portion in Durham County and they could build there and not have. any conflict <br />whatsoever with the Orange County rural buffer provisions. <br />CATI~Y KLING spoke in support of keeping the rural buffer. She stated that she <br />believes that the people who border this Montvale development would appreciate that extra ~~ <br />space as open space and she thinks the citizens will be back and back again to defend the <br />rural buffer as it slowly gets nibbled away. `'? <br />.TEF spoke in support of this fine tuning because it shows that the plan itself is ''_~_ <br />flexible enough to be used by the people who own the land. If there are more of these <br />lots that are straddling the jurisdictions all around Orange County each one will need to ~, <br />be considered individually. There is not a formula for addressing these questions. This <br />is a real valid use of time to not only amend the plan but to show the flexibility in all <br />of the jurisdictions as they grow. There will not be a zoning designation which is a <br />dinosaur. The rural buffer will be nibbled away slowly and that's what it was designed <br />for. Eventually Orange County is going to grow in all directions including through the <br />rural buffer. That was in the plan when everyone labored over it for many years. <br />THERE BEING NO FURTHER COMMENTS THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLDSED <br />1. c. LUP-d-89 TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />Tha presentation was made by Ray Williford, Planning Airector for the Town <br />of Carrboro. In summary this item is to receive citizen comment on the proposal which <br />would redesignate the buffer area from its current Rural Buffer classification to Carrboro <br />Transition Area II. The designation would allow residential densities at one dwelling <br />unit per acre, .whereas the existing Rural Suffer density allows one unit per two acres. <br />The change is proposed to eliminate administrative difficulties for properties split by <br />the buffer area. He explained that the term Rural Buffer .would be the area which <br />surrounds Duke Forest. Duke Forest is within the Rural Buffer so it's the southern edge <br />of the Rural Buffer. The primary reason for this request is not for the elimination of <br />the Rural Buffer pez se, but the Rural Buffer is creating a jurisdictional boundary which <br />surrounds existing lots all along the boundary of Duke Forest. In order to remedy that <br />situation Carrboro is requesting that the Rural Buffer be removed and that many of the <br />features along Duke Forest be, such as the set back, retained. <br />
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