Orange County NC Website
- --- -..} <br />Mr. Phears stated for the record that that pending amendment has created some <br />uncertainty on their part in connection with the application. He requested that the Teers <br />AR application be treated as a request to rezone. <br />Jim Swenberg suggested working with the Department of Transportation to build some <br />natural barriers far sound to reduce these problems for those people who are impacted and <br />those people that live in that area. <br />1. b. LUP-5-89 CAZWELLL INCORPORATED <br />The presentation was made by Marvin Collins. In summary this item is to <br />receive citizen comment on the request to redesignate a 1.45 acre parcel from the current <br />Rural Buffer category to Ten Year Transition. The Durham County lots in the subdivision <br />average 30,000 square feet in size. The Rural Buffer has a minimum lot size of two acres. <br />The proposed amendment would allow the 1.45 acre portion, in Orange County, to be <br />subdivided in a manner consistent with the rest of the subdivision. <br />THE HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />CAROL ZINN, President of Cazwell Development, which is developing Montvale gave some <br />history about Montvale. It is currently a 27 lot subdivision that went through the <br />approval process in the city of Durham. It is served by Durham City sewer, individual <br />wells, and public service gas. Tt is bordered on the west by Curly Road. $ecause of a <br />freak of geography, the County line which divides Orange and Durham counties does not <br />follow Curly Road. Montvale backs up onto Curly Road but the County line kind of <br />straddles that road. Therefore, a tiny sliver of Orange County crosses the four lots in <br />Montvale. Each of these four lots have a portion of land in Orange County, but most of <br />the land is in Durham County. The entire Montvale subdivision has only 6~ in Orange <br />County, while 94~ is in Durham County and Durham City. Lot 27 as shown on the final plat <br />'~_:._ is over 60,000 square feet while the other lots are approximately 30,000 or more square <br />feet. Tt's twice as large as the other Montvale lots. It was intended, originally, that <br />this be 2-30,000 square foot lots--Lot 27 and lot 28. $ecause of the fact that this line <br />straddles Modville, a very small portion of what was to the part of lot 28 is in the rural <br />buffer. Therefore, they had to originally plat the subdivision with 27 lots to go through <br />the Durham city approval process. That is how the subdivision was platted and filed. In <br />late summer 1988, a variance application was filed with the Orange County Board of <br />Adjustment so that Lots 27 and lots 28 would be consistent with the remainder of the <br />subdivision. The variance was denied. The County Attorney and Planning Director <br />suggested that this be rezoned which is the reason they are here tonight. Montvale is <br />caught in a situation where the municipalities have not considered what to do when <br />projects cross boundary lines. A rezoning is a sensible, practical, and appropriate way <br />to deal with these problems. She expressed agreement with the Planning Staff's <br />recommendation that it would create the consistency that is the intent and purpose of the <br />joint planning area Land Use Plan. She supports an inter-local agreement to deal with <br />situations such as this, and believes that it is necessary. It was hoped that this be <br />considered a minor adjustment or fine tuning of the rural buffer and not something that is <br />major. The inter-local agreement is something that could actually take several years to <br />come about and not something that could address this problem right now. This sliver of <br />Orange County goes through four lots. It only slightly effects three of these lot but <br />goes through almost half of that lot 27. If this rezoning is approved one lot would be <br />gained. The lot would be developed consistent with the rest of the. subdivision which has <br />30,000 square foot lots. The Town of Carrboro, the next item on the agenda, has requested <br />that a 400 foot rural buffer area located between Carrboro Transition Area II and Duke <br />Forest be removed and that the area be designated as Transition Area II on the joint <br />- planning area Land Use Plan. When it comes down to practicality there needs to be some <br />