Orange County NC Website
-~ <br />rules and regulations in that County. Atwater asked that all his land be put in Chatham <br />County. He suggested that the boundary line follow his property line. '~"'c <br />Bob Small asked about the bubbles in the line and what criteria was used in <br />determining where the bubbles would be placed. Chairman Carey answered that these bubbles <br />were minimized recognizing the historic location of the property while keeping the line as <br />straight as possible. <br />Ken Korach asked about the process of determining this line and asked if after this <br />line is. established if there is a possibility that in ten years this would come up for <br />discussion again. Roscoe Reeve explained that this line will be monumented. Once this <br />permanent boundary is recorded it would take a court decision or an act of the legislature <br />to change this line. <br />Steven Edwards asked about the placement of the signs on the highway and Chairman <br />Carey stated that the signs, especially the one at Starpoint, has no significance as to <br />where the County line is located. That sign is moved by DOT when they make changes in the <br />road. <br />Marvin Hoffman, County Manager of Chatham, stated that each-County appointed five <br />people who actually located the well, which was a historical, marker. This line does cross <br />where those five people determined the location of the well. <br />James Arndt questioned the difference in the lines shown on the two maps and Roscoe <br />Reeve assured him that the lines should be the same. He explained that there are two lots <br />that are taxed in Orange County that are below the line. John Link recommended that these "~ <br />properties stay in Orange County. Chatham Commissioner Mary Hayes Holmes stated that <br />historically these properties have been taxed in Orange County because of the convenience <br />of being closer to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools. Marvin Hoffman informed the Boards <br />that these two houses are part of a subdivision which has grown to seven houses. The <br />other five are taxed in Chatham County. These two properties will be discussed further. <br />Bob Strowd asked if he would be able to walk this line and Roscoe Reeve stated that <br />once the monuments are set, a surveyor will be able to determine on the ground where the <br />line is located. <br />Jim Atwater asked if the markers will be placed in a straight line and Roscoe Reeve <br />explained the procedure that will be followed. <br />John Banks expressed appreciation for keeping the Boulder Bluff section of Wolf's Pond <br />in Orange County. . <br />In answer to a question, Roscoe Reeve noted that the Church has a semi-circle <br />driveway. The line will fall on the south side of that southern driveway. <br />Ann Harrowood, Clearwater Lake Road, asked if Chatham County Schools would send a bus <br />out for one or two children. Chairman Carey answered that based on what is shown on the <br />maps, those houses would be in Chatham County and the children would attend Chatham County <br />Schools. It was decided that the issue of these two houses and the situation with the <br />schools would be referred to the County Managers to bring back a recommendation to the <br />Boards. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated for the record that he has a partial interest in a parcel <br />