Minutes - 19890321
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890321
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' ~ ~ <br />utilization. <br />Lunsford explained how the school would be organized and managed. With the Career ..,,, <br />Development Program, the staff has been involved in a variety of ways in decision making <br />and responsibility for major efforts in the school. In the model school, there would be ';~ <br />clear distinct involvement of teachers in a very organized way in terms of instructional <br />decisions in that school.. The opportunity would be maximized for learning on site for <br />the staff of other school systems in the triangle J. In summary, the school is being <br />designed for an elementary situation Kindergarten through fifth grade. A. L. Stanbeck <br />will remain the 6th grade school and the money that was targeted for that facility will <br />be spend on that facility. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis, Lunsford stated that the savings <br />in this project is because of the reduction in square feet. <br />2. REPORT FROM AIRPORT CONSULTANTS (The report is in the Commissioners' Library). <br />Airport Gonsultant Gary Varga explained that currently they are working on phase <br />one, which includes the inventory, forecasts capacity, the facility requirements, <br />economic worth end the site selection study. Phase two will include the airport plans, <br />the financial plan and the environmental assessment. Using charts, Varga explained that <br />the aviation forecasts are used to determine the type, size and timing of the facility, <br />estimated capacity of the airport, the role of the airport in the community, the <br />potential environmental affects, and the financial feasibility of the airport. Varga <br />used the charts to explain the based aircraft and operations forecasts. He described <br />each aircraft and projected how many would be based at the airport in the year 2008. He <br />discussed weather conditions (visibility, wind speed and direction frequency) and its <br />impact on the use of the airport. They have determined that a 5,000 foot runway would <br />accommodate the needs of this airport. He explained the instrumentation that would be <br />recommended for this airport. The terminal building initially would be 3100 square feet <br />increasing to 4100 square feet by the end of the forecast period. Initially 95 vehicles <br />will be accommodated increasing to 150. They anticipate 45 T-hangers, 3 corporate <br />hangers and 65 tiedowns. The economic worth was discussed in detail. He used slides to ~ - <br />shaw the economic contribution to Orange County with the construction of an airport. The <br />twenty best sites based on the criteria were described and shown on a map. He explained <br />how the sites would be evaluated with each criteria assigned a point value to determine <br />the ranking of the sites. The criteria or variables were discussed. Water quality was <br />added as a variable to be considered. The final criteria will be determined at the work <br />session scheduled for April 24. <br />3. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (A copy of the Bill to be entitled An Act to <br />Authorize Creation of a Regional Transportation Authority is in the permanent agenda file <br />in the Clerk's Office). <br />In 1987, the Transportation Advisory Committee from the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro urban area and the Greater Raleigh Urban Area met jointly to consider the issues <br />related to developing a comprehensive system of regional public transportation. On <br />December 5, 1988, the Commissioners received an issue paper detailing various alternative <br />approaches to the organization, membership, responsibilities, powers and funding of a <br />Regional Transportation Authority. Patrick B. Simmons stated that the Towns of Cary, <br />Raleigh, Durham Gity and Durham County have favorably endorsed going forward with a <br />regional transportation authority similar to that described in the legislation. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />endorse in concept the draft legislation for a Regional Public Transportation Authority. <br />VOTE; UNANIMOUS. <br />4. SOLID WASTE TASK FORCE REPORT (A copy of the report is in the permanent agenda <br />
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