Orange County NC Website
Victoria Templeton is a mother of two elementary school children and she is a volunteer. <br /> She said that they moved from a family community across the country to come only for the <br /> school system because where they came from, the schools had become so bad. They came for <br /> the public school offerings and the quality of life. She said that this area is a beacon for families <br /> to come. She said that CHCCS has a nationally recognized school system and for parents this <br /> is a really great school system attached to a great community. She suggested using the school <br /> system to market the economy and increase funding for the schools. <br /> Sharon Barrett is a parent of school kids and they chose to live here rather than in Wake <br /> County. She said that the current level of per pupil funding is down from five years ago and <br /> Durham County is making Orange County look bad, since Durham County is raising taxes to <br /> fund their schools. She said that they are willing to pay more taxes to support education. <br /> Liz Buchman is President of McDougle Elementary School and she thanked the County <br /> Commissioners for making education a priority and she implored them to approve the budget. <br /> Jean Earnhart spoke about economic development and said that it seems that they have <br /> been having this conversation for at least 20 years. She said that the County Commissioners <br /> have a good strategic plan and she hopes that they will unanimously approve this. She hopes <br /> that they are not having the same conversation 20 years from now. She believes that if the <br /> County Commissioners adopt the economic development plan, then it will help everyone. <br /> Amy Martin Jewell said that her family moved here from Chicago solely for the school <br /> system. She is a parent of a child who has a mental health issue and is also academically <br /> gifted. She said that their community has lost mental health services, and thus they turn to the <br /> school systems. She said that the public school systems outside the core services may be cut <br /> due to reduced funding. She would support a tax increase to support the school system. <br /> Jane Kerwin thanked the County Commissioners for their support. She is a parent of <br /> children in the school system. She asked the County Commissioners to continue to support <br /> education. <br /> Christina Burden represented the Frank Porter Graham School Improvement Team and <br /> she said that they want to encourage the County Commissioners to support and fund the school <br /> boards' budgets. <br /> Elizabeth Welsby is the Parent Co-Chair of the Estes Hills School Improvement Team, <br /> and she has three children in the school district. She asked the County Commissioners to <br /> support the Manager's recommendation and also to fully fund the capital needs budget. <br /> Ashley Thomas thanked the County Commissioners for providing the human services <br /> grants to outside agencies. She was representing Bridge to Sports, which creates opportunities <br /> for sporting programs for children and adults with disabilities. She asked the County <br /> Commissioners to fund the grant for this year to help to serve this vulnerable population. <br /> Delores Bailey is the Executive Director of Empowerment, Inc., and she asked the Board <br /> to fund them through the Human Services grant process. She said that they are working hard to <br /> increase affordable housing and affordable rentals in Orange County. <br /> Gary Wallach has a child in CHCCS system. He said that it is possible to make this job <br /> easier. He said that one of the reasons it is so hard is that the idea starts with taxes and raising <br /> money. The idea should really start with the vision for the community. He said that he was in <br /> support of a tax increase of a '/4-cent sales tax to support education. <br /> Joe Kennedy has three children in the Chinese dual language program and he urged the <br /> County Commissioners to avoid levels of funding that resembles Humpty Dumpty cuts, where <br /> things are being taken apart that cannot be easily put back together. He said that the level of <br /> funding contemplated by the school budget is going to result in these sorts of cuts because <br /> programs will be hurt and the negative effects will continue years later. He said that if the dual <br /> language program does not continue past elementary school, the hard work will largely be lost. <br /> Lindley Minn is PTSA president at Chapel Hill High. She made reference to the people <br /> wearing red who are representing their schools and committees. She said that each one is <br />