Orange County NC Website
_ the property at Seven Mile Creek. He asked if it would limit the number of customers the <br />Town could serve or have other restrictions. <br />Chairman Carey answered that a process needs to be worked out to answer this type of <br />question. <br />Mayor Cates stated that if there is going to be a partnership, each partner must <br />financially participate to their portion of the partnership. To loan Hillsborough a <br />million dollars that must be paid back is of no benefit to the partnership. Hillsborough <br />could do better by borrowing the money elsewhere than on the basis the County anticipates. <br />Cates emphasized that if this is the case, it strengthens the position of letting the Town <br />of Hillsborough build its own reservoir. There is not one instance since 1934 that the <br />Town of Hillsborough has violated the County's Land Use Plan. <br />Commissioner Marshall questioned who would pay for the reservoir and Mayor Cates <br />indicated that the users would pay. She questioned why one partner in the partnership <br />would have their loan repaid but that the County should be expected to not be repaid from <br />the users. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted he has not said that the County should not get into the <br />water business. <br />Chairman Carey emphasized that the County is not interested in conveying their land at <br />Seven Mile Creek to the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Verbal "tongue in cheek" retorts ensued on shutting the gate at Lake Orange and <br />curtailing water service to county offices. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that the recreational and environmental issues be <br />reviewed. He.asked what long term recreational benefits might be considered for a small <br />reservoir. He expressed concern about marine motor oil, gasoline, drunks, beer cans, and <br />other pollutants. He is a firm believer that a protected reservoir would provide the best <br />possible source of raw water for the Town of Hillsborough. Mayor Cates agreed with <br />Halkiotis. <br />Chairman Carey mentioned joint planning and noted that in order to move ahead with the <br />planning for the reservoir, the County and the Town of Hillsborough need to agree on what <br />types of development will be allowed in certain areas surrounding the reservoir. Mayor <br />Cates responded that the Town has. no choice but to abide by the County's Land Use Plan. <br />Commissioner Marshall explained how joint planning works between the Gounty and the <br />municipalities. Mayor Cates expressed opposition to any control over the town's authority <br />to annex. <br />It was decided that the two Planning Boards would meet in an effort to open lines of <br />communications and talk about joint planning. <br />County Manager John Link suggested that thought be given to how the twenty-year <br />service area will develop and when. This will help in the financial arrangements for the <br />reservoir. The County needs to know exactly what the financial plans will be for the <br />reservoir. Cates responded that a lot of assumptions have to be made but the worse <br />situation is that the Town of Hillsborough builds the reservoir itself on the basis of <br />five and one half million dollars by borrowing that amount of money. Presently, the town <br />of Hillsborough has built into its rate structure one million dollars for the Durham pipe <br /> <br />