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<br />next five years. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to ~~ <br />approve purchasing one McDonnell Douglas 9250 Minicomputer System and one PRIME 4050 <br />Supermini computer system as specified on the .proposal attached to these minutes far a <br />sum not to exceed $274,635. <br />'VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />j CONSULTANT CONTRACT FOR COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN (A copy of this <br />contract is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />. Planning Director Marvin Collins presented for consideration of approval a <br />contract with Kimley-Horn, Inc, for professional consultant services in the <br />preparation of a Comprehensive Transportation Plan for Orange County. The contract <br />outlines the scope of work and responsibilities of each party. There are two phases to <br />the project with the first phase casting $35,500 which is currently in the budget and <br />the second phase costing $40,000 which will be requested in the 89-90 budget. He <br />explained the issues which will be addressed for each phase. <br />Commissioner Hartwell questioned the cost and the amount of work that will be <br />performed by the County staff. Collins explained the specifics in standards and <br />classifications that would be covered in the broad scope of work that will be <br />performed by County staff and by the consultants. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis questioned if the study would provide standards .for <br />secondary roads and haw this would fit in with the overall plan. Mr. Misner with <br />Kimley-Horn explained how secondary roads would be addressed in the study. Scenic <br />roads were discussed. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Willhoit, Collins stated that DOT <br />will be the lead agency in preparing the Orange County Thoroughfare Plan. Kimley-Horn <br />will help the County review the plan and identify problem areas. They will also help <br />the County develop a more county specific road classification system which will be <br />more responsive to what the citizens want. He explained that all roads tie in to one <br />another so it would be difficult for the County to adopt a thoroughfare plan without <br />knowing haw the Hillsborough, or CYiapel Hill or Carrboro thoroughfare plans fits in <br />with the overall plan for the County. Kimley-Horn will help the County in this <br />effort. Collins continued to clarify what kind of specific information the study <br />would provide the County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the document be written so that it can be <br />understood by all the citizens in Orange County. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Chairman Carey to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract with Kimley-Horn, Inc. including <br />the scope of services for both Phase I and Phase II as described in Exhibit A of the <br />contract at a cost of $35,500 for Phase I with contract approval subject to contract <br />revisions acceptable to County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />4. 1989 JOINT PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit to <br />approve the date of April 6, 1989 for a Joint Planning Area Public Hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />5. WATER SEWER POLICY <br />This item was presented for Board comments. John Link noted that many of the <br />comments received from the various jurisdictions have been included in the draft.The <br />draft has been shared with the various groups and everyone is pleased with the overall <br />document. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis questioned 2-81 on page four of the document which <br />