Orange County NC Website
Context U4 <br />GRANGE COUNTY <br />Emr kDevNapn•nt <br />Ca Mi- <br />• Investing in Revenue - Producing Assets Allows County to Invest in <br />Programs Valued by Its Citizens <br />— Economic Development is the only tool available to local governments <br />that are capable of increasing revenues, jobs, and wealth <br />• Invest in County Revenue - Producing Assets First <br />— Revenue - producing capital <br />— Ongoing revenue stream <br />• Focus on Low- Hanging Fruit First <br />— Local Entrepreneurs and Established Businesses <br />— Businesses of Current and Incoming Residents <br />— Established Industry Clusters <br />• Eliminate Silos and Barriers <br />— Open up to regional best practices <br />— Active responsiveness to investor needs <br />Our recommendations follow some tried and true maxims which are good for <br />households, businesses, and government, alike: Failing to plan is planning to fail; You <br />can't help others unless your own well -being is taken care of first; It takes resources to <br />grow resources; educate yourself by interacting with experts— reinventing the wheel is <br />never effective, and base decisions on current data, best practices. The proposed <br />investment in the places, tools, and knowledge proposed tonight and found in our <br />recommendations and white paper is how the EDC has expressed these basic principles <br />in relation to economic development interests. <br />2 <br />