Orange County NC Website
12 <br />Tools: V4 <br />Time, Expense Reduction, Predictability E—icD « Y <br />Cw : Dewlopmens <br />Commission <br />1. Time and Predictability <br />2. Capitalize a $250,000 business recruitment and retention <br />fund <br />3. Re- capitalize the small business loan fund with $250,000 <br />4. Identify dedicated funding source for recurring annual <br />investments in the local economic development tool kit. <br />5. Adopt a Unified Development Ordinance <br />• Within a timeframe that establishes confidence with developers, <br />investors, and business owners <br />• results in less time from application to permit approval in a time - <br />frame that is comparable with neighboring jurisdictions <br />Unfortunately, It takes more effort and resources to overcome a negative reputation <br />than to build up an unknown or neutral reputation. After years of charting our own <br />course counter to industry standards, Orange County's unwanted, but not undeserved, <br />business - unfriendly reputation is formidable BUT it can be overcome with decisive, <br />speedy, highly - visible, direct investment into the three things that any business <br />requires, regardless of industry, size, or scale requires. These three things are time, <br />reduced expenses, and predictability. The tools that can deliver these and which are <br />under the control of local governments are clear: consistent regulations facilitating <br />streamlined permitting and fund allocation, small business loan funds, recruitment and <br />retention funds for established businesses, and a long -term, reliable funding source <br />dedicated to endowing these two funds on an annual basis <br />